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Category: Subproject: Heraldry in royal political communication in Late Medieval Portugal (Miguel Metelo de Seixas, Torsten Hiltmann)


[Publication] Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies 3)

Just in time for Christmas, we are pleased to announce the publication of the long-awaited third volume of the “Heraldic Studies” series. Under the title “Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms” Miguel Metelo de Seixas and Torsten Hiltmann present a collection of fifteen richly illustrated articles that have emerged from the corresponding workshop held at the University of Münster from 16 to 18 March 2016. The volume...


Heraldry in the royal palace of Sintra: ‘In the Service of the Crown’ project on national TV in Portugal

The show Visita Guiada (‘Guided Visit’) by Portuguese journalist Paula Moura Pinheiro is currently the most popular program of Portugal’s public broadcasting channel RTP 2. Every week, a Portuguese monument of cultural importance is presented by a specialist, generally a historian. Last week, the chosen monument was the royal palace in Sintra and its sala dos brasões (‘hall of coats of arms’). It was presented by Miguel Metelo de...


[CfA:] State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces in Europe (14th-16th c.): Spaces, Images, Rituals – Lisbon/Sintra, 15-17 March 2017 (Programme)

From the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, European monarchies saw a gradual centralisation of power. This was accompanied by the dissemination of political ideas that contributed to the making of a new image of the prince, which relied on visual instruments to assert and construct the prince’s sovereign power. Royal and princely residences were at the centre of this phenomenon. In these privileged spaces, the sovereign accommodated an expanding...


[CfP:] State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces in Europe (14th-16th c.): Spaces, Images, Rituals – Lisbon/Sintra, 15-17 March 2017

From the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, European monarchies saw a gradual centralisation of power. This was accompanied by the dissemination of political ideas that contributed to the making of a new image of the prince, which relied on visual instruments to assert and construct the prince’s sovereign power. Royal and princely residences were at the centre of this phenomenon. In these privileged spaces, the sovereign accommodated an expanding...


[Report:] Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms, Münster 16-18 March

On 16-18 March 2016 the workshop Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms took place in Münster. The origins of this workshop lay in the challenges of understanding the function of the heraldic display in one particular state-room: the sala dos brasões of the National Palace in Sintra, Portugal, dating from the early sixteenth century. The ceiling of this hall presents the coats of arms of the Portuguese royal...


Programme: Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms: Towards a Typology of Heraldic Programmes in Spaces of Self-Representation – Münster, Germany, 16-18 March 2016

Heraldry was an ubiquitous element of state-rooms. Whether in palaces of kings and princes, castles of noblemen, residences of patricians, city halls or in cathedral chapters, heraldic display was a crucial element in the visual programme of these spaces. Despite its omnipresence, however, heraldic display in state-rooms remains largely understudied so far. Given the fundamental role of heraldry in medieval and early modern visual communication, it seems essential to...


[CfP] Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms: Towards a Typology of Heraldic Programmes in Spaces of Self-Representation – Münster, Germany, 16-18 March 2016

(version française ci-dessous) Heraldry was an ubiquitous element of state-rooms. Whether in palaces of kings and princes, castles of noblemen, residences of patricians, city halls or in cathedral chapters, heraldic display was a crucial element in  the visual programme of these spaces. Despite its omnipresence, however, heraldic display in state-rooms remains largely understudied so far. Given the fundamental role of heraldry in medieval and early modern visual communication, it...


Tatort gesichert: Große Tagung im königlichen Palast in Sintra 2017 – und weitere Neuigkeiten aus dem „Performanz der Wappen“ Projekt

Vor zwei Wochen war ich für ein paar Tage in Lissabon. Zum einen, um auf Einladung von Miguel Metelo de Seixas einen Vortrag am ehrwürdigen Instituto Português de Heráldica zu halten, zumal an deren ganz besonderen Versammlungsort im Convento do Carmo – einem beim großen Erdbeben 1755 zerstörten und danach nur teilweise wiederaufgebauten Karmeliterkloster direkt über der Stadt. Unter dem Titel „Anciennes définitions et nouvelles perspectives : Qu’est-ce que sont des...


[Rapport:] « Batalha : lieu de mémoire de la dynastie d’Avis. À la recherche d’une vision intégrée du monument et de ses images » Bathala, 25-26 Septembre 2015

Au long de deux journées, le 25 et 26 septembre, le monastère de Batalha a accueilli le colloque « Batalha : lieu de mémoire de la dynastie d’Avis. À la recherche d’une vision intégrée du monument et de ses images » (programme ci-joint). Cette rencontre, organisée par Miguel Metelo de Seixas, Torsten Hiltmann, João Portugal et Joaquim Ruivo, est le premier colloque réalisé au sein du projet “In the service of the...


[CfA:] Batalha: lugar de memória da dinastia de Avis. À procura de uma visão integrada do monumento e das suas imagens (Batalha: lieu de mémoire de la dynastie d’Avis. À la recherche d’une vision intégrée du monument et de ses images), Colloque, 25-26 septembre 2015, Batalha (P)

L’objectif du colloque « Batalha : lieu de mémoire de la dynastie d’Avis » est de saisir le rôle que ce monastère joua dans la construction de l’image que la maison royale portugaise créa et  projeta d’elle-même, ayant recours à des ressources complémentaires (architecture, peinture, sculpture, vitraux, orfèvrerie, iconographie, héraldique, devises) et en liaison avec une forte dimension doctrinale.  Pour ce faire, le colloque veut réunir historiens, historiens de l’art et héraldistes...


[CfA:] Batalha : lieu de mémoire de la dynastie d’Avis. À la recherche d‘une compréhension intégrée du monument et de son décor héraldique et emblématique

(For an English summary, please see below.) Non loin du lieu de la bataille d’Aljubarrota, où il avait remporté la décisive victoire du 15 août 1385 assurant ainsi l’indépendance du royaume envers son voisin castillan, le roi Jean 1er de Portugal voulut ériger un monument exceptionnel. Le monastère, dédié à Notre-Dame de la Victoire, et la ville qui grandit autour de lui furent connus par antonomase comme « Batalha...


[Project:] In the service of the Crown: The use of heraldry in royal political communication in late medieval Portugal

Portuguese heraldry seems to have taken a rather peculiar development. Compared to other regions like France, England and Germany, in Portugal heraldry evolved quite late and astonishingly different. Despite the wealth of the sources and the surprising insights it could provide, heraldic communication in late medieval Portugal remains understudied, particularly in the rest of Europe. Thanks to generous funding by the VolkswagenStiftung, Miguel Metelo de Seixas and I set out...