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Recent Publications – Update July 2016

photo: TH

photo: TH

A new update in our recent publications section. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of all the articles that appear in different magazines and books that are published in different languages and regions. Therefore we provide a list of recent publications in English, German and French, so you can get an overview of the latest interesting heraldic reads. This list contains publications on heraldry that have been published since our last update. Some titles are followed by links to websites with more information. This overview is not complete. If you know of any new publications, please let us know by using the comment box below, and we will include those books and articles in the next list.


  • De Boos, Emmanuel, Armorial du Héraut Vermandois ou Traité du comportement des armes (Paris, 2015) [click for more information]
  • Delgrange, Dominique, Sceaux et armoiries du Boulonnais. Notices sigillographiques, héraldiques et index (Wasquehal, 2015)
  • Palasi, Philippe, Répertoire des mots, cris et devises emblématiques dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne (Paris, 2016) [click for more information]
  • Popoff, Michel, Un armorial des papes et des cardinaux (circa 1200-1559) (Paris, 2015) [click for more information]
  • Popoff, Michel and Michel Pastoureau, Le rôle d’armes de Zurich / Die Wappenrolle von Zürich (Paris, 2015) [click for more information]



  • Baker, John, ‘The earliest armorial harness pendants’, Coat of Arms (3rd ser.) 11/1 (2015) pp. 1-24
  • Hiltmann, Torsten, ‘The emergence of the word ‘heraldry’ in the seventeenth century and the roots of a misconception’, Coat of Arms (3rd ser.) 11/2 (2015) pp. 107-116
  • Jones, Robert W., ‘A silver boar on Bosworth Field: the significance of the livery badge on the medieval battlefield’, Coat of Arms (3rd ser.) 11/1 (2015) pp. 25-34.
  • Pascuttini-Juraga, Vesna and Ivana Peškan, ‘The Keystone From The Parish Church of St. Nicholas in Varaždin: The Coat of Arms of the Royal Family Corvinus’, Hortus artium medievalium 21 (2015) pp. 430-434
  • Takács, Imre, ‘Corona et Crux – Heraldry and Crusader Symbolism on 13th Century Hungarian Royal Seals’, Hortus artium medievalium 21 (2015) pp. 54-61


  • Hablot, Laurent, ‘Les armoiries, un marqueur du rang dans les sociétés médiévales ?’, in: Jörg Henning Peltzer (ed.), Rank and Order (Ostfildern, 2015) pp. 245-270
  • Moll, Richard J., Erica Leighton, Mario Longtin, ‘‘L’exemple des angres / Þe exempil of angellis’: A French Tract on Heraldry and its Scots Translation’, in: Nottingham medieval studies 59 (2015) pp. 113-156


  • Biewer, Ludwig, ‘Was die Konzilteilnehmer in Konstanz 1414 bis 1418 im Schilde führten: Wappen als Mittel der Kommunikation im Mittelalter’, Herold-Jahrbuch. Neue Folge 20 (2015)
  • Boxler, Horst, ‘Neue Erkenntnisse zu den Wappenreliefs am südlichen Langhaus des Speyerer Doms’, Archivum Heraldicum (2015) [click for more information]
  • Deigendesch, Roland, ‘Adler versus Hirschhorn – Zur Geschichte von Siegel und Wappen der Reichsstadt Reutlingen’, in: Helge Wittmann (ed.), Darstellungen und Symbole des Reichs in Reichsstädten (Petersberg, 2015) pp. 113-136
  • Drös, Harald, ‘Das (unbekannte) Wappen der Grafen von Lauffen’, in: Christian Burkhart and Jörg Kreutz (eds.), Die Grafen von Lauffen am mittleren und unteren Neckar (Heidelberg, 2015) pp. 243-260
  • Frankl, Markus, ‘Alles nur Reklame? Zur Aktualität mittelalterlicher Heraldik’, in: Dorothea Klein, Markus Frankl and Franz Fuchs (eds.), “Überall ist Mittelalter”. Zur Aktualität einer vergangenen Epoche (Würzburg, 2015) pp. 221-256
  • Friedländer, Ueli, ‘Personenmedaillen der Familie Zollikofer von Altenklingen mit Bezug auf deren Adelsbrief 1578’, Archivum Heraldicum (2015)
  • Gafner, Philipp, ‘Die Wappenscheiben im Schloss Wildenstein BL’, Archivum Heraldicum (2015) [click for more information]
  • Hlobil, Ivo, ‘Einige bislang ungelöste Fragen zu den Wappen und Kronen der Büsten im Triforium des Veitsdoms’, Setkávání (2015) pp. 135-150
  • Maissen, Aluis, ‘Wappenfresken auf der Fürstenburg – Die Fluchtresidenz der Fürstbischöfe von Chur’, Archivum Heraldicum (2015) [click for more information]
  • Michel, Annina, ‘”Im Interesse des Ansehens unseres Kantons!”: im Zeichen der Geistigen Landesverteidigung: Streit um das “Unterwaldner Wappen” am Bundesbriefarchiv in Schwyz’, Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Schwyz 107 (2015) pp. 211-228
  • Paravicini, Werner, ‘Das Wappen der Albizzi’, in: Mark Mersiowsky and Arno Mentzel-Reuters (eds.), Vom Preußenland nach Italien. Beiträge zur kultur- und bildungsgeschichtlichen Vernetzung (Innsbruck, 2015) pp. 49-84
  • Pott, Antonius and Lupold von Lehsten, ‘Die Wappen von Vorfahren auf Grabsteinen der Familie von Spiegel zu Peckelsheim im Paderborner und Corveyer Land’, Archiv für Familiengeschichtsforschung 19 (2015) pp. 53-59
  • Roland, Martin, ‘Wappen und Urkunden im Mittelalter: die Schnittmenge in Thüringen mit einem Schwerpunkt im Vogtland’, Zeitschrift des Vereins für Thüringische Geschichte 69 (2015) pp. 93-129
  • Rüegg, Hans, ‘Die Gedächtnistafel der Elgger Pfarrherren seit der Reformation’, Archivum Heraldicum (2015)
  • Werlich, Ralf-Gunnar, ‘Siegel und Wappen der Stadt Grimmen’, in: Norbert Buske, Haik Thomas Porada and Wolfgang Schmidt (eds.), Die Marienkirche in Grimmen und ihre Gemeinde (Kiel, 2015) pp. 241-264

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Heraldica Nova (July 7, 2016). Recent Publications – Update July 2016. Heraldica Nova. Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

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4 Responses

  1. GG says:

    I might also point out:

    Rosario La Duca, Storia dell’aquila palermitana. Saggio inedito, a cura di Francesco Armetta e Irene Bianco, Salvatore Sciascia Editore, Caltanissetta-Roma 2016, 175 pagine, ISBN 9788882414566. (On the coat of arms of Palermo, see [in italian]:

    Antonio Conti, Il segno del falco. Gli Accomanducci di Monte Falcone e un’ipotesi per gli affreschi di San Giovanni di Urbino, Youcanprint Self-Publishing, Tricase (LE) 2016, 92 pagine, ISBN 97-88-93329-72-9. (On the coat of arms of Accomanducci’s family, see [in italian]:

  2. Alessandro Savorelli says:

    Maybe you could also give an account of Italian works? Since a few years Italian works on heraldry grow in quantity and quality, though at a long distance from other European coutries.

    I would like to cite here works of mines or works in which I took part, as:

    – Dal giglio al David. Arte civica a Firenze fra Medioevo e Rinascimento, a c. di M.M. Donato e D. Parenti, Firenze, Giunti, 2013.
    – L’arme segreta. Araldica e storia dell’arte nel medioevo, a c. di M. Ferrari, con la collaborazione di A. Savorelli e L. Cirri, introduzione di A. Savorelli, Le Lettere, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2015.
    – Le Marche sugli scudi. Atlante storico degli stemmi comunali, a cura di M. Carassai, testi di A. Conti, V. Favini e A. Savorelli, disegni di M. Ghirardi, Fermo, AndreaLivi Editore, 2015.
    – A. Savorelli, 66. Quanti sono i «nove stemmi della Repubblica Fiorentina»? Un indovinello dantesco, «Nobiltà», XXIII, nov.-dic. 2015, n. 129, pp. 565-584.

    • Elmar Hofman says:

      Thank you for this comment. Due to our limited knowledge of the Italian language, these works often don’t appear on our radar (although “L’arme segreta” has received some attention in this blog and was part of the previous Recent Publications update). So thank you making use aware of these publications and we will include them in the next list.

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