Das “Performanz der Wappen”-Projekt auf dem Historikertag 2016 (#Histag16)
Morgen startet in Hamburg der 51. Deutsche Historikertag. Auch unser von der VolkswagenStiftung gefördertes Projekt “Die Performanz der Wappen” wird mit dabei sein. Und das gleich doppelt. Zum einen wird Elmar Hofman im Rahmen der Posterausstellung des Doktorandenforums sein Dissertationsprojekt zu mittelalterlichen Wappenbüchern vorstellen. Zum anderen organisiere ich gemeinsam mit Mareike König (DHI Paris) eine Sektion und eine Posterausstellung/-session zum Thema “Was sind Digital Humanities”. Bei der Posterausstellung bin ich auch mit einem eigenen Poster zu unserem “Digital Heraldry” Projekt dabei1. Die Session, die am Mittwoch von 15:00-16:30 Uhr im Raum HWF-121 stattfindet, bietet dabei auch die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam über das Poster zu diskutieren und damit mehr über das Projekt zu erfahren. Wer interessiert ist, kann also sehr gern vorbeikommen. Ich würde mich sehr freuen.
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- Wer mehr dazu lesen möchte: Ich hatte das Projekt bereits auf der Tagung “L’édition en ligne de documents d’archives médiévaux : enjeux, méthodologies et défis”am 9. und 10. Juni in Nancy vorgestellt. Der Beitrag wird in den entsprechenden Tagungsakten veröffentlicht [↩]
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Torsten Hiltmann (September 20, 2016). Das “Performanz der Wappen”-Projekt auf dem Historikertag 2016 (#Histag16). Heraldica Nova. Retrieved October 13, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/phzd
I read it as such and could not agree more.
Dear Elmar and Torsten, very nicely and clearly expressed, both problems and examples. It is necessary to examine the context of any source document used and its internal and external relations. This ought to be basic knowledge for both armorists and historians, but has often been forgotten. However, before one can analyze the ‘text’, it is necessary to be able to read it, i.e. known which people ‘owned’ the arms and their societal positions. That is where the approach of the traditional armorist need to be acknowledged. It is only when the entries and their armorial details (e.g. orders and possessions) have been identified, that one can confidently use an armorial for socio-historical analysis. Before the advent of prolific digitization, just getting an idea of which armorials that may could of interest would require extensive traveling and research. In my opinion in many cases harder than ‘simple’ research in the major archives. Just find the two dozen arms a compiler reused from a source one to two hundred years old among the 3000 in his main study object and chart a possible provenance. Such a pointed problem may influence the conclusion. If anybody would like to try, take a look at the Bellenville – Gelre – Bergshammar – Toison d’or – Lyncenich – Wijnberghen – Gorrevod – Berry – Urfé – Rineck complex, and nearly all of these are edited or at least available at libraries a few hundred km apart – bon appetit.
Dear Steen, I agree with your statement that knowledge and skills of traditional heraldists should not be ignored. A poster like this reduces a research idea into a couple of sentences and is therefore not very subtle. When I say that the heraldic approach (description, identification, etc) to armorials is traditional, I mean it simply in the sense that it has always been done like that. A historical approach to armorials should be seen as an addition to this traditional approach, a way to study these sources from a different perspective to increase our understanding of them, but not as a substitution. Indeed, in order to understand armorials the coats of arms have to be identified and be seen in their heraldic context, and since most historians do not have the required skills, they need to rely on heraldists. Therefore, for gaining more insights into these sources, it is important that historians and heraldists cooperate, and understand the methods, potentials and limitations of their respective fields of research.