Recent publications – Update December 2016
We are approaching the final days of 2016 and this calls for an update in our recent publications section. This list contains publications on heraldry as well as articles and books in which heraldry plays a supportive part. It provides an overview of interesting reads that have been published since our last update, including recent publications that we missed last time but definitely deserve mentioning. Thanks to the support of our colleagues from Italy this edition holds several Italian studies. The overview is not complete. If you know of any new publications, please let us know by using the comment box below, and we will include those books and articles in the next list.
- Carassai M., A. Conti, V. Favini, A. Savorelli and M. Ghirardi, Le Marche sugli scudi. Atlante storico degli stemmi comunali (Fermo, 2015).
- Clemmensen, Steen, The Newcastle armorial formerly known as the Boroughbridge roll of arms. An armorial of knights in the host collected for the siege of Berwick in September 1319 (Farum, 2016).
- Clemmensen, Steen, The Lyncenich armorial (Farum, 2016)
- Conti, Antonio,Il segno del falco. Gli Accomanducci di Monte Falcone e un’ipotesi per gli affreschi di San Giovanni di Urbino (Tricase, 2016)
- De Boos, Emmanuel(†), in cooperation with Arnaud Baudin and Pierre Couhault, Les armoiries. Lecture et identification (Paris, 2016). New edition online on the website of Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie:
- La Duca, Rosario,Storia dell’aquila palermitana. Saggio inedito (Caltanissetta-Roma, 2016)
- Hablot, Laurent, “Masque de guerre et don des armes. Les échanges de cimiers, une pratique chevaleresque à la fin du Moyen Age” in: Catalina Girbea (ed.) Armes et jeux militaires dans l’imaginaire XIIe-XVe siècles (Paris, 2016) pp. 241-268.
- Hablot Laurent, “Cris de guerre et d’armes. Formes et fonctions de l’emblème sonore medieval” in: Lauren Hablot and Laurent Vissière (eds.), Les paysages sonores au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance (Rennes, 2016) pp. 157-172.
- Hablot, Laurent, “L’armoirie et les sens au Moyen Âge” in: Eric Palazzo (ed.), Les cinq sens au Moyen Âge (Paris, 2016) pp. 565-587.
- Hiltmann, Torsten, “Legenden im Zweifel. Die Frage nach der Herkunft der Wappen und das Ende der mittelalterlichen Heraldik im 17. Jahrhundert” in: Thomas Kühtreiber (ed), Kontinuitäten – Umbrüche – Zäsuren. Die Konstruktion von Epochen in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit in interdisziplinärer Sichtung (Heidelberg, 2016) pp. 301-329.
- Lopes, Paulo Catarino, O mundo como lugar de poderes no “Livro do Conhecimento, Armas e trofeus, 9th series, 17 (2015) pp. 141-196.
- Meer, Julia, “City arms or municipal logo? Thoughts on the relevance of an inconclusive debate”, Coat of Arms 12 (2016) pp. 1-20.
- Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, Faustino, “Origen de emblem de los reyes de Aragón”, Armas e trofeus, 9th series, 17 (2015) pp. 33-68.
- Mérindol, Christian de, “Références et pratiques à la cour royale du Portugal au Moyen Âge (XIIe -XVIe siècle)”, Armas e trofeus, 9th series, 17 (2015) pp. 69-81.
- Rehberg, Andreas, “Leone X e i suoi comites palatini: un titolo tra politica, economia e mecenatismo” in: F. Cantate e.a. (eds.), Leone X. Finanza, mecenatismo, cultura (Rome, 2016) pp. 654-689.
- Rolker, Christof, “Die Richental-Chronik als Wappenbuch”, Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 71 (2015) pp. 57-103.
- Savorelli, Alessandro, “Quanti sono i «nove stemmi della Repubblica Fiorentina»? Un indovinello dantesco”, Nobiltà, 23/129 (2015) pp. 565-584.
- Savorelli, Alessandro, “Atlanti simbolici dello spazio politico. I portolani e il «Libro del conocimiento de todos los reinos» (s. XIV)”, Armas e trofeus, 9th series, 17 (2015) pp. 105-140.
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Heraldica Nova (December 14, 2016). Recent publications – Update December 2016. Heraldica Nova. Retrieved January 23, 2025 from
I would suggest the following book as well:
R. Barbattini, M. Ghirardi and G. Giovinazzo, Api delle città. La figura dell’ape nell’araldica civica italiana (San Godenzo, 2016)
This book examines the Italian civic and provincial coats-of-arms (by including the ones currently located in France, but that were part of the old Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Sardinia) linked with the beekeeping world.
This book has 248 pages that includes more than 100 coats-of-arms representations of 90 different municipalities.
Further information can be found at the following link:
Sorry, correct title: Le api delle città. La figura dell’ape nell’araldica civica italiana
Missing publications.
Among the books:
• Luca Irwin Fragale, Microstoria e Araldica di Calabria Citeriore e di Cosenza. Da fonti documentarie inedite, Milano, 2016
(a huge monograph with more or less 300 figures of coat of arms, and six genealogical plates)
Among chapters of books:
• Luca Irwin Fragale, Araldica e committenze: i Ferrari di Cosenza, capitolo della miscellanea La Madonna con Bambino e Anime Purganti del Duomo di Cosenza: una nuova pala di Guglielmo Borremans, a cura di Giorgio Leone, Soveria Mannelli, 2016
Thank you for the comment! I will include them in the next list