Recent publications – Update May 2017
- Barbattini, R., M. Ghirardi and G. Giovinazzo, Api delle città. La figura dell’ape nell’araldica civica italiana (San Godenzo, 2016)
- Büchner, Robert, Das Münchner Boten- und Wappenbuch vom Arlberg (Frankfurt, 2016)
- Fragale, Luca Irwin, Microstoria e Araldica di Calabria Citeriore e di Cosenza. Da fonti documentarie inedite (Milano, 2016)
Articles and chapters
- Barovier Mentasti, R., L. Borelli, C. Tonini, ‘Dating the Venetian Rovere Flask at The Corning Museum of Glass and Other Flasks’, Journal of Glass Studies 58 (2016) pp. 171-184.
- Blanchard, Jean-Christophe. “L’armorial Wijnbergen est-il un reflet de la communauté du royaume de France ?” <halshs-01264644>, 2016. (publication accessible online)
- Bosters, A.M., ‘Ridder Willem van Norys (ca. 1450-1512) weldoener der Huijbergse Wilhelmieten’, Heraldicum Disputationes 2 (2016) pp. 45-49.
- Breugel, G. van, K. Padberg Evenboer, ‘Groeten uit Konstanz. Alpiene heraldiek in Nederland’, Blazoen 3 (2016) pp. 85-94.
- Bulte-Martin, Cécile, ‘Sculpture figurative, héraldique et emblématique’ in: B. Guillet and A. Armide (eds.), Le château des ducs de Bretagne. Entre grandeur et renouveau. Huit siècles d’histoire (Rennes, 2016) pp. 210-219.
- Clemmensen, Steen, ‘Early arms: as attributed, adopted or documented’, The Coat of Arms 12 (2016) pp. 61-88.
- Jékely, Zsombor, ‘Armorials and Grants of Arms: Heraldic representation of Hungarian nobles at the time of the Council of Constance’ in: Balázs Antal Bacsa and Attila Bárány (eds.), Das Konzil von Konstanz und Ungarn (Debrecen, 2016) pp. 155-180
- Fragale, Luca Irwin, ‘Araldica e committenze: i Ferrari di Cosenza, capitolo della miscellanea’, in Giorgio Leone (ed.), La Madonna con Bambino e Anime Purganti del Duomo di Cosenza: una nuova pala di Guglielmo Borremans (Soveria Mannelli, 2016).
- Fragale, Luca Irwin, ‘Di alcuni stemmi dell’Alto Ionio tra portali e pietre minori: Canna e il circondario in un’ipotesi migratoria delle maestranze’ in: La Pietra. Il mestiere e l’arte del decorare. Storia della lavorazione della pietra nella provincia di Cosenza (Cosenza, 2015)
- Hablot, Laurent, ‘L’héraldique au service de l’histoire. Les armoiries des bâtards à la fin du Moyen Âge, études de cas’ in: Carole Avignon (ed.), Bâtards et bâtardises dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne (Rennes, 2016) pp. 257-278.
- Hablot, Laurent, ‘Le bris des armes. L’iconoclasme héraldique dans la société médiévale’ in: M. Gil, P. Charron and A. Vilain (eds.) La pensée du regard. Études d’histoire de l’art du Moyen Âge offertes à Christian Heck (Turnhout, 2016) pp. 181- 191.
- Haudenhuyse, Giedo, “à la bende et dix-sept billetes”, Heraldicum Disputationes 1 (2016) pp. 7-14.
- Hilton, J. A., ‘English Catholic heraldry under penalty, 1559-1778, The Coat of Arms 12 (2016) pp. 89-102.
- Hrdina, Jan, Carina Brumme, and Hartmut Kühne, ‘More Pragense? Die Prager Pilgerzeichen, die Jubiläumsnachfeiern 1393-1397 und die Pilgerzeichen mit Wappen am Ausgang des Mittelalters‘ in: Andreas Hummel, Volker Schimpff, and Hans-Jürgen Beier (eds.) Gedenkschrift Günter Hummel (Langenweißbach, 2016) pp. 93-122.
- Lefter, Lucian-Valeriu et Tudor-Radu Tiron, ‘Economic realities reflected in the heraldic seals of the mediaeval Moldavia’, Cercetări Istorice (serie nova), 35 (2016) pp. 61-83.
- Neve, Roel de, “Wapenschilderingen aangetroffen in een historisch pand te Kampen”, Blazoen 2 (2016) pp. 52-60; 3 (2016) pp. 94-99.
- Padberg Evenboer, K., D. Velde, ‘An Early 16th-Century Venetian Pilgrim Flask in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon: Celebration of a Polish Merchant’, in: Journal of Glass Studies 58 (2016) pp. 302-309.
- Rabbow, Arnold, ‘36 Mark zilver voor een hondenkop, of hoe de Hohenzollerns aan hun helmteken kwamen’, Heraldicum Disputationes 2 (2016) pp. 33-41.
- Sattler, Peter W., ‘Die Herren von Henneberg, ihre Wappen und ihr Bezug zum Rhein-, Main- und Neckarraum’, Geschichtsblätter für den Kreis Bergstraße 49 (2016) pp. 34-52.
- Sedovic, Katherine A., ‘Seeking the Sacred within the Secular: A Study of the Aspremont-Kievraing Psalter’s Chivalric and Heraldic Marginalia’ in: Harriet Mahood (ed.), The Reading Medievalist 3 (Reading, 2016) pp. 1-17.
- Vernot, Nicolas, ‘La galerie Renaissance du château de Champlitte : un programme iconographique à la gloire des Vergy’ in: Laurence Delobette et Paul Delsalle (eds.), Champlitte, place forte du comté de Bourgogne, actes de la journée d’étude du 25 avril 2015 organisée par Franche-Bourgogne, groupe de recherches historiques sur le comté de Bourgogne (Franche-Comté) XIe– XVIIe siècles (Franche-Bourgogne, 2016) pp. 187-205 and plates. XXV-XXVIII.
We would like to thank Alessandro Prignani, Klaas Padberg Evenboer and others that commented on the previous updates for pointing out a number of publications that we would have otherwise missed.
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Heraldica Nova (May 10, 2017). Recent publications – Update May 2017. Heraldica Nova. Retrieved December 6, 2024 from
Kasdagli, Anna-Maria, Stone Carving of the Hospitaller Period in Rhodes: Displaced pieces and fragments (Oxford, 2016)
Book contents page:
The work presents 230 stone carvings of the Hospitaller period in Rhodes (1309-1522), which for various reasons are no longer in their original setting. Most of them are cut in local stone or reused antique marble and belong to three broad groups: decorative architectural elements, funerary slabs and markers, and heraldry from secular and religious buildings and fortifications.
Their architectural, artistic, inscriptional and social significance are discussed, providing insights into the way cultural influences from different parts of Western Europe were introduced, maintained and adapted in an Eastern Mediterranean context by the Knights of Saint John, other Westerners the presence of the Order encouraged to travel to Rhodes and even live there and, occasionally, by wealthy Greeks. The study includes a full catalogue and touches upon recent archaeological activity in the historic centre of the town of Rhodes.