What we have done so far: List of publications and lectures from the “Coats of arms in practice” project
The project “Coats of arms in practice” aims to reassess medieval heraldry from the perspective of cultural history. In order to keep track of the results of the project, we publish here a list of the publications and lectures that emerged from this project so far. Of course, there is still more to come!
Edited Volumes
- Hiltmann, Torsten; Hablot, Laurent (eds.): Heraldic Artists and Painters in the Middle Ages (Heraldic Studies, 1), Ostfildern 2017 [in press]
- Meer, Marcus: City and Countryside, in: Torsten Hiltmann, Nigel Ramsay (eds.): A companion to medieval heraldry (Brill Series: Medieval sources), Leiden [accepted].
- Hofman, Elmar: Manuscripts and charters, in: Torsten Hiltmann, Nigel Ramsay (eds.): A companion to medieval heraldry (Brill Series: Medieval sources), Leiden [accepted].
- Meer, Marcus: Heraldic Display and Urban Space. The Visuality and Spatiality of Heraldic Conflict in Late Medieval Augsburg, in: Torsten Hiltmann, Laurent Hablot (eds.): Heraldry in the Medieval City. The Case of Italy in the European Context (Heraldic Studies, 4), Ostfildern [accepted].
- Hofman, Elmar: Armorials in the city. Two urban collections of coats of arms in Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 120 extrav., in: Hiltmann, Torsten; Hablot, Laurent (eds.): Heraldry in the Medieval City. The Case of Italy in the European Context (Heraldic Studies, 4), Ostfildern [accepted].
- Meer, Marcus: History on the Walls and Windows to the Past. Heraldic Commemoration of Historical Identity in Late Medieval English and German Town Halls, in: Torsten Hiltmann, Miguel Metelo de Seixas (eds.): Heraldry in Medieval State-rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2018 [accepted].
- Hiltmann, Torsten: L’héraldique dans l’espace domestique. Perspectives historiques sur les armoiries et le décor héraldique dans l’espace profane (espace germanique, XIIIe-XVIe siècle), in: Le Moyen Age. Revue d’histoire et de philologie 123 (2017) [accepted].
- Meer, Marcus: Heraldry, Historiography and Urban Identity in Late Medieval Augsburg. The “Cronographia Augustensium” and the Gossembrot Armorial, in: Lisa Demets et al. (eds.), Towards New Thinking in Urban Historiography: Old Texts, New Approaches, Turnhout [forthcoming].
- Hofman, Elmar: Armorials behind the Schichtbuch. A material and visual exploration, in: Christian Heitzmann, Thomas Scharff, Henning Steinführer (eds.): 500 Jahre Schichtbuch. Aspekte und Perspektiven der Boteforschung (Braunschweiger Werkstücke 114), Braunschweig [forthcoming]
- Hiltmann, Torsten: Arms and Art in the Middle Ages. Approaching the Social and Cultural Impact of Heraldry by its Artisans and Artists, in: Torsten Hiltmann, Laurent Hablot (eds.), Heraldic Artists and Painters in the Middle Ages, Ostfildern 2017 [forthcoming].
- Hiltmann, Torsten: Armoriaux peints et grattés dans les salles d’apparat : remarques sur l’espace germanique, XIIIe-XVIe siècles, in : Gil Bartholyens, Monique Bourin, Pierre-Olivier Dittmar (eds.), Images de soi dans l’univers domestique (XIIIe-XVIe siècles), Paris 2017 [forthcoming].
- Hiltmann, Torsten: Who authored the famous Armorial Équestre de la Toison d’Or?, in: Armas e Troféus 18 (2016), 69-85.
- Hartmann, Julia: The Japanese Mon and the European Coats of Arms – a Comparative Study, in: Armas e Troféus 18 (2016), 87-113.
- Hiltmann, Torsten: Legenden im Zweifel. Die Frage nach der Herkunft der Wappen und das Ende der mittelalterlichen Heraldik im 17. Jahrhundert, in: Thomas Kühtreiber , Gabriela Schichta (eds.), Kontinuitäten, Umbrüche und Zäsuren. Die Konstruktion von Epochen in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit in interdisziplinärer Sichtung, Wien 2016, 301-329.
- Hiltmann, Torsten: The Emergence of the Word ‘Heraldry’ in the 17th century and the Roots of a Misconception, in: Coat of arms 3rd ser. 11 (2015), S. 107-116.
Scientific Blogposts
- Elmar Hofman: Bellenville’s two armorials, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 07/07/2017, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/5785.
- Julia Hartmann: The Japanese Mon – An Eastern Equivalent to the European Coats of Arms? (II): The Emergence of Mon, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 21/12/2016, Internet: https://heraldica.hypotheses.org/5212
- Elmar Hofman: The Bavarian Charlemagne. Communicating through attributed coats of arms, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 28/09/2016, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/4920.
- Marcus Meer: The Heraldry of the Weavers’ Guild of Augsburg: Mythical Origins and Everyday Display of Corporate Heraldry in Clemens Jäger’s ‘Weberchronik’, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 10/06/2016, Internet: https://heraldica.hypotheses.org/4669.
- Torsten Hiltmann: Heraldry as a Systematic and International Language? About the Limitations of Blazonry in Describing Coats of Arms, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 25/05/2016, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/4623.
- Elmar Hofman: The material of the Berry armorial, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 25/05/2016, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/4590.
- Elmar Hofman: A treasure hidden in plain sight. The armorial behind the Schichtbuch, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 25/11/2015, http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/3960.
- Torsten Hiltmann: Der Vandalismus des Hanns Hawsner? Heraldische Selbstdarstellung auf Schloss Runkelstein (1494), in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 23/09/2015, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/3582.
- Torsten Hiltmann: Die heraldische Inszenierung eines radikalen Adelskonzeptes? Offene Fragen zum Obsequientraktat Comment les obseques se doivent faire (15. Jh.), in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 11/02/2015, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/2511.
- Julia Hartmann: The Japanese Mon – An Eastern Equivalent to the European Coats of Arms? (I): Form, Content, Tincture and Blazon, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 02/02/2015, Internet: https://heraldica.hypotheses.org/2456.
- Torsten Hiltmann: Heralds are not heraldry / heraldry not heralds: To the benefits of clear distinctions, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 24/01/2014, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/766.
- Torsten Hiltmann: Heraldry and History – why is there so much and at the same time so little heraldry in historical research?, in: Heraldica nova. Medieval Heraldry in social and cultural-historical perspectives (blog on Hypotheses.org), published: 23/07/2013, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/364.
Workshops and Conferences
- »State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces in Europe (14th-16th c.): Spaces, Images, Rituals«, Lisbon/Sintra, 15-17 March 2017, organised by Torsten Hiltmann (Münster), Miguel Metelo de Seixas (Lisbon), and João Portugal (Lisbon) as part of the Portuguese-German research project ‘In the Service of the Crown: The Use of Heraldry in Royal Political Communication in Late Medieval Portugal’, funded by the VolkswagenFoundation, and with the support by the Palácio Nacional de Sintra, the Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses and the Instituto Português de Heráldica, Internet: https://heraldica.hypotheses.org/category/sintra2017
- Batalha: lugar de memória da dinastia de Avis. À procura de uma visão integrada do monumento e das suas imagens (Batalha: lieu de mémoire de la dynastie d’Avis. À la recherche d’une vision intégrée du monument et de ses images), Colloque, 25-26 September 2015, Batalha, organised by Miguel Metelo de Seixas (IEM-CHAM/FCSH/UNL), Torsten Hiltmann (Universitat Münster), João Portugal (IPH), Joaquim Ruivo (Mosteiro da Batalha), with the support of CEPAE (Centro do Património da Estremadura), Internet: https://heraldica.hypotheses.org/3535.
- »Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms: Towards a Typology of Heraldic Programmes in Spaces of Self-Representation«, Münster, 16-18 March 2016, organised by Miguel Metelo de Seixas (Lisbon) and Torsten Hiltmann (Münster) as part of the Portuguese-German research project “In the Service of the Crown: The Use of Heraldry in Royal Political Communication in Late Medieval Portugal“, funded by the VolkswagenFoundation, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/category/munster2016
- »Heraldry in the Medieval City: The Case of Italy in the European Context« (Journées Héraldiques 5), Rome, 5-7 May 2015, organised by Laurent Hablot (Poitiers) and Torsten Hiltmann (Münster), with the support of: Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale (CESM), University of Poitiers, International Research Universities Network (IRUN), Ecole française de Rome, German Historical Institute Rome (DHI) and the Académie de France à Rome, Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/category/rome2015
- »Heraldic artists and painters in the Middle Ages«, Poitiers), 10-11 April 2014, organised by Laurent Hablot (Poitiers) and Torsten Hiltmann (Münster), Internet: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/category/poitiers2014
- »Medieval Heraldry Revisited, I-III«. Sessions 107, 207, 307 at the International Medieval Congress Leeds 2013, Internet: https://heraldica.hypotheses.org/142
Lectures and talks
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Zwischen Individualität und Autorität. Visuelle Differenzierungsprozesse auf hoch- und spätmittelalterlichen Münzen (12.-15. Jh.)“, Tagung: “INschrift – ABschrift – TRUGschrift”, Univeristät Osnabrück
- Marcus Meer, “Mobiliora sunt nobiliora: The Appropriation of Space and Status through Heraldic Graffiti of Medieval German Townspeople”, Tagung: “Mobility and Space in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe”, Oxford (UK)
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Digitale Heraldik– Linked Data und Semantic Web in der Geschichtswissenschaft“, Ringvorlesung: “Geschichte digital”, Universität Paderborn
- Marcus Meer, “Displayed to establish their jurisdiction…”: Heraldic Communication and the Social Construction of Urban Space in Late Medieval Augsburg”, International Medieval Congress 2017, Leeds (UK)
- Miguel Metelo de Seixas, “La ‘sala dos brasões’ de Sintra: approches et enjeux historiographiques”, internationale Tagung: “State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces in Europe (14th-16th c.)”, Lissabon/Sintra (PT)
- Marie Koehn: “Décor de table et mise en scène du pouvoir princière. Le mariage de Charles le Téméraire (1468)”, internationale Tagung: “State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces in Europe (14th-16th c.)”, Lissabon/Sintra (PT)
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Coats of arms in books and beyond. The objectivation of heraldry and its materiality”, Forschungskolloquium: “Late Medieval Europe“, Saint John’s College, Oxford (UK)
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Heraldik und Semantic Web. Digitale Erschließung und Analyse des heraldischen Kulturerbes im Rahmen eines geplanten bürgerwissenschaftlichen Kooperationsprojektes“, Vortrag beim Verein „Herold“
- Marcus Meer, “Destroyed, Defaced, Replaced: Die Heraldische Kommunikation von städtischem Protest im spätmittelalterlichen London”, Forschungskolloquium „400-1500. Mittelalter“, Universität Münster
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Editing historical heraldic sources with Semantic Web Technologies”, Workshop: “Quantitative approaches to European heraldry”, MPI für Menschheitsgeschichte, Jena
- Elmar Hofman, “The distinctive qualities of medieval armorials as lists of persons and families”, Tagung: “Le Pouvoir des Listes au Moyen Âge (POLIMA 4)”, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- Elmar Hofman, “Übersehene Bedeutungsträger. Text- Wappensammlung-Verhältnisse in mittelalterlichen deutschsprachigen Manuskripten”, Tagung: “Bilderwelten erschließen. 30 Jahre KdiH”, Bayerische AdW, München
- Marcus Meer, “A Sign With Many Histories?: Perceptions of the London Coat of Arms in Past and Present”, Tagung: “Visual Intersections I”, Durham University (UK)
- Elmar Hofman, “Urban Perceptions of Armorials in the Late 15th and Early 16th Century’” Tagung: “Urban Visual Culture(s)”, Durham University (UK)
- Torsten Hiltmann, Keynote “The rise of the Visual in the 12th century”, Tagung: “Urban Visual Culture(s), Durham University (UK)
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Digital Heraldry – Editing coats of arms with semantic web technologies and the benefits of interoperability”, Tagung: “L’édition en ligne de documents d’archives médiévaux”, Université de Lorraine (F)
- Marcus Meer, “Recycling the Roman Past: The Interplay of Ancient Remains, Representative Strategies, and Historical Narratives in Late Medieval Augsburg”, Tagung: “Materiality and the Afterlives of Things in the Middle Ages”, St Andrews (UK)
- Marcus Meer, “History on the Walls and Windows to the Past: Heraldic Commemoration of Urban Identity in Late Medieval Town Halls”, Tagung: “Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms“, Münster
- Torsten Hiltmann, M. Metelo de Seixas, “The sala dos brasões in context. Perspectives on the Heraldic decor in medieval and early modern state-rooms”, Tagung: “Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms“, Münster
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Wappen, Fürst und Adel – Zur sich verändernden Wahrnehmung und Verwendung heraldischer Zeichen im Mittelalter“, Mediävistisches Kolloquium, Universität Essen-Duisburg
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Das mittelalterliche Wappen als Objekt und Attribut“, Vorlesungsreihe: „Objekte als Attribute: Erfahrung und Verbildlichung vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart“, LMU München
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Anciennes définitions et nouvelles perspectives: Qu’est-ce que sont des armoiries? ”, Instituto Português de Heráldica, Lissabon (PT)
- Elmar Hofman, “Was ist ein Wappenbuch? Ein Versuch einer Definition”, Forschungskolloquium „400-1500. Mittelalter“, Universität Münster
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Introduction”, internationaler Workshop: „The History of Heralds in Europe (12th-18th c.): State of the Art and New Perspectives – Workshop.2”, Universität Münster
- Elmar Hofman, “Wappenbücher als historisches Phänomen”, Arbeitskreis Mediävistik in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Landesarchiv Münster
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Digital Heraldry – A field of development for the Digital Humanities between text and image”, Gastvortrag am Institut für Bioinformatik, Universität Leipzig
- Meer, “Signs of ldentity, Signs of the City: The Heraldic Display of Urban ldentity in the Augsburg Chronicle and the Gossembrot Armorial”, Tagung: “Towards new thinking in urban historiography”, Brügge (B)
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Mittelalterliche Heraldik in kulturhistorischer Perspektive. Die Wappen im Obsequientraktat ‘Comment les obseques de doivent faire’, Forschungskolloquium für mittelalterliche Geschichte, Universität Bochum
- Elmar Hofman, „Hermann Botes Wappenbuch – eine kulturgeschichtliche Perspektive“, Tagung: „500 Jahre Schichtbuch. Aspekte und Perspektiven der Bote Forschung“, Wolfenbüttel
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Legenden im Zweifel – Vortrag zur Kontinuität mittelalterlicher Vorstellungen zur Heraldik”, Tagung: “Kontinuitäten – Umbrüche – Zäsuren”, Krems (A)
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Heraldik. Mittelalterliche Wappen als Medien der Repräsentation”, Ringvorlesung “Historische Hilfswissenschaften und die moderne Geschichtswissenschaft”, Universität Kiel
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Heralds and heraldry in the Middle Ages”, int. Workshop: “The History of Heralds in Europe (12th-18th c.). State of the art and new perspectives”, Universität Münster
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Les armoiries et des formes de le représentation de soi dans les peintures murales et plafonds médiévales en Allemagne”, Tagung: “Images de soi dans l’univers domestique XIIIe-XVIe siècles”, Montpellier (F)
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Heraldry and History – an odd though promising couple. Old misunderstandings and new perspectives”, IMC Leeds 2013
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Wappen in der visuellen Kommunikation des Mittelalters”, Forschungskolloquium Mittelalter, Universität Frankfurt
- Torsten Hiltmann, “Mittelalterliche Heraldik zwischen Kulturgeschichte und Historischen Hilfswissenschaften”, Forschungskolloquium „400-1500. Mittelalter“, Universität Münster
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OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Torsten Hiltmann (October 5, 2017). What we have done so far: List of publications and lectures from the “Coats of arms in practice” project. Heraldica Nova. Retrieved January 23, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/pi0z
Dear Torsten
Thank you for showing all what you have made available on Heraldica Nova. I try to read and consult all the information, articles etc., but there is, I believe, (ich glaube) one problem: you write faster than I can read! Something like that. Hence my late grateful reaction to your marvellous overview.
Dear Steen,
I am trying to put a name to a coat-of-arms from 41 Edward III (1367 – 1368):-
“A pierced mullet between three lozenges”
Can you possibly help me?
Jonathan Kirton, Canada
Dear Jonathan, I think your comment/question was meant for Steen. I will forward it to him. All the best, Torsten