Recent Publications. Update December 2017
Short days and cold nights call for interesting reads. This list contains publications on heraldry as well as articles and books in which heraldry plays a supportive part. It provides an overview of interesting reads that have been published since our last update, including recent publications that we missed last time but definitely deserve mentioning. The overview is not complete. If you know of any new publications, please let us know by using the comment box below, and we will include those books and articles in the next list.
- Aichinger-Rosenberger, Peter, and Andreas Zajic (eds), Schloss Pöggstall: Adelige Residenz zwischen Region und Kaiserhof (Weitra, 2017).
- Clemmensen, Steen, Editing armorials. Cooperation, knowledge and approach by late medieval practitioners. I-II (Copenhagen, 2017).
- Göbl, Michael, Wappen-Lexikon der habsburgischen Länder (2nd edition, Schleinbach, 2017).
- Kasdagli, Anna-Maria, Stone Carving of the Hospitaller Period in Rhodes: Displaced pieces and fragments (Oxford, 2016).
- Boxler, Horst, ‘Die Vögte des Augustiner-Chorherren-Stiftes Embrach und ihre Verstädterung in Winterthur und Klein-Basel (Teil 2)’, Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik (2017). (link to abstract)
- Cappelen, Hans, ‘Odd og pil’, Heraldisk tidsskrift, vol. 12 / 115 (2017), pp. 203-215.
- Charles, Corinne, ‘Heraldik und Chorgestühlkunst aus der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts in Genf – Meister Roliquin von Dordrecht’, Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik (2017). (link to abstract)
- Comino, Giancarlo, La famille Lingua – Un parcours héraldique , Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik (2017). (link to abstract)
- Damen, Mario, ‘Toernooi en heraldiek Wapenboeken als het schriftelijk geheugen van de laatmiddeleeuwse adel’, in: Lisa Kuitert, Paul Dijstelberge, and Marjolein Hogenbirk (eds), Schriftgeheimen. Opstellen over schrift en schriftcultuur (Amsterdam, 2017) pp. 311-334.
- Gneiss, Markus, and Andreas Zajic, ‘When imagery is indispensable: illuminated charters in virtual space’, Studia historica Brunensia, vol. 62 / nr. 2 (2015), pp. 45-92.
- Hablot, Laurent, ‘Heraldic imagery, definition, and principles’, in: Colum Hourihane (ed), Routledge companion to medieval iconography (London, 2017) pp. 386-398.
- Hablot, Laurent, ‘The sacralisation of the royal coats of arms in medieval Europe’, in: Montserrat Herrero López, Jaume Aurell i Cardona, and Angela C. Miceli Stout (eds), Political theology in medieval and early modern Europe (Turnhout, 2017) pp. 313-336.
- Hartmann, Julia, ‘The Japanese Mon and the European Coats of Arms. A comparative study’, Armas e trofeus, 9th series, 18 (2016) pp. 87-114.
- Hiltmann, Torsten, ‘Who authored the famous Armorial Équestre de la Toison d’Or?’, Armas e trofeus, 9th series, 18 (2016) pp. 69-86.
- Kälin, Rolf, ‘Ein kaum beachtetes Murenser Epitaph für zwei ausserhalb des Klosters verstorbene Aebte’, Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik (2017). (link to abstract)
- Kremb, Jens, ‘Die runden Wappentafeln der Zünfte und die Quadratur des (Wappen-) Kreises’, in: Online publication: ART-Dok, Heidelberg University Library,, (2017) pp. 1–41.
- Lucey, Stephen John, ‘Intercessory Identity: Heraldry and Portraiture in the Royal Chapel at Pyrga, Cyprus’, in: Robert G. Sullivan and Meriem Pages (eds), Imagining the self, constructing the past (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2016) pp. 22-43.
- Nieus, Jean-François, ‘L’invention des armoiries en contexte. Haute aristocratie, identités familiales et culture chevaleresque entre France et Angleterre, 1100-1160’, Journal des savants (2017) pp. 93-155.
- Rüegg, Hans, ‘Klassifizierung der Beweggründe für die Wahl von Wappenmotiven – Eine Analyse der schweizerischen Kantons-, Bezirks- und Gemeindewappen’, Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik (2017). (link to abstract)
- Vernot, Nicolas:, ‘Adopting Arms in France, 1500-1789. New Considerations of the Social and Symbolic Meanings of Heraldic Practice’, in: Fiona Robertson and Peter N. Lindfield (eds), Semy-de-Lys: Speaking of Arms, 1400-2016 (2016) pp. 51-70.
- Zwick, Pierre, ‘Heraldische Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Johanniterkomturei in Fribourg’, Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik (2017). (link to abstract)
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Heraldica Nova (December 13, 2017). Recent Publications. Update December 2017. Heraldica Nova. Retrieved January 20, 2025 from
Link to Nieus, Jean-François, ‘L’invention des armoiries en contexte. Haute aristocratie, identités familiales et culture chevaleresque entre France et Angleterre, 1100-1160’: