Recent Publications – Update September 2022
The days grow shorter and autumn is slowly making its presence felt. Are you still looking for the right reading on heraldry for the last days of summer? Perhaps you will find something suitable in this list: We have done a little research for you and compiled a list of articles and books in which heraldry plays a central role. Since our last update, a number of interesting publications have been released and we would like to give you an overview of them. Also, thanks to your recommendations, we listed publications that were not mentioned in the previous articles. This overview is certainly not complete. Therefore, if you know of any other new publications that are not mentioned here, please let us know using the comment box below, and we will be happy to include these books and articles in the next list.
- BAFFIONI VENTURI, Luciano, Storie degli Sforza pesaresi. 3: L’araldica sforzesca tra Pesaro e Milano, Lecce 2021.
- BARTLETT, Robert, Blood Royal. Dynastic Politics in Medieval Europe, Cambridge 2020.
- BENTIVOGLIO, Enzo, and Ferruccio FERRUZZI, Le porte scolpite del Santuario di Santa Maria della Quercia a Viterbo: storia, iconografia, araldica, Roma 2021.
- BEUING, Raphael, and Wolfgang AUGUSTYN (eds.), Schilde des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte in München, 46), Passau 2019.
- CURRY, Anne, CUNNINGHAM, Sean and Paul DRYBURGH (eds.), Status, identity and authority: studies in medieval and early modern archives and heraldry presented to Adrian Ailes, Heraldry Society 2022 (In Press).
- HABLOT, Laurent, Manuel de Héraldique Emblématique Médiévale, Tours 2019.
- HILTMANN, Torsten and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020.
- HOFMAN, Elmar, Armorials in medieval manuscripts: collections of coats of arms as means of communication and historical sources in France and the Holy Roman Empire (13th-early 16th centuries) (Heraldic Studies, 4), Ostfildern 2022.
- GÖBL, Michael, Wappenreiches Wien: Ein heraldisches Handbuch der inneren Stadt, Schleinbach 2021.
- KOUKOUNI, Ioanna, Chios Dicta Est… et in Aegæo Sita Mari: Historical Archaeology and Heraldry on Chios, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd 2021.
- LEHNERTZ, Andreas, Judensiegel im spätmittelalterlichen Reichsgebiet: Beglaubigungstätigkeit und Selbstrepräsentation von Jüdinnen und Juden (Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden. Abteilung A: Abhandlungen 30), 2 Vol., Wiesbaden 2020.
- METELO DE SEIXAS, Miguel, HILTMANN, Torsten and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022.
- MÜLLER, Andreas, Die Ritterschaft im Herzogtum Westfalen 1651-1803. Aufschwörungen, innere Struktur und Prosopographie, Mūnster 2017.
- ROBERTSON, Fiona and Peter N. LINDFIELD (eds.), The Display of Heraldry: The Heraldic Imagination in Arts and Culture, Heraldry Society 2019.
- ROTHWELL HUGHES, Frances, The Heraldic Imagination in German-speaking Lands, c.1480-c.1560, Diss. University of Cambridge 2021.
- SCHÖNFELS, Hans-Kasper von, Zwickauer Gotik in Portugal. Seit 160 Jahren schlummert deutsche Gotik in Sintra, Wolnzach 2017.
- THIRY, Steven and Luc DUERLOO (eds.), Heraldic Hierarchies: Identity, Status and State Intervention in Early Modern Heraldry, Leuven 2021.
- TIBALDESCHI, Carlo et al. (eds.), Gli stemmi del castello: l’immagine del potere a Lari, Pontedera 2020.
- VAN DEN EECKHOUT, Jean-Marie, Armorial Walhain: Les marches Bourgogne, Artois, Flandre, Hainaut, Brabant, Hesbaye, Ruyers, Luxembourg et Castille, Sint-Niklaas 2017. [BR, Fonds Goethals, Manuscrits, N° 672]
- VAN DEN EECKHOUT, Jean-Marie, Armorial des Marches de Boulogne, d’Artois, de Flandre, d’Angleterre, de France, de Ponthieu, du Brabant, du Hainaut et du Vermandois. Comparaison avec les sceaux et autres amoriaux, Sint-Niklaas 2018.
- VAN DEN EECKHOUT, Jean-Marie, Gruuthuyse en heraldiek, Sint-Niklaas 2019.
- ALEMANY GINER, Joaquín, Un blasón singular en el Madrid del siglo XVIII, in: Hidalguía 385 (2020), pp. 145–228.
- ALEMANY GINER, Joaquín, Origen y evolución del escudo de armas de los Álvarez de Toledo de la Casa de Alba, in: Hidalguía 383 (2020), pp. 143–207.
- ASHLEY, Steven, and Steen CLEMMENSEN, The Book of Knowledge: a late fourteenth-century armorial travelogue of all the kingdoms in the world, in: The Coat of Arms 238, 4 (2021), pp. 1–37.
- BARUTCIEFF, Silvia Marin and Stefan BARUTCIEFF, From sacred art to the art of politics. The 15th century iconographic discourse of St. George’s Castle in Mantua, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 117–138.
- BERGER, Judith, The Gothic Drawing Room at Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire. A.W.N. Pugin’s perception of a medieval interior, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 303–324.
- BIEWER, Ludwig, Kreuzessymbolik und Wappenwesen der Johanniter. Ein Beitrag zur ordensritterlichen Heraldik, in: Herold-Jahrbuch NF 25 (2020), pp. 7–46.
- BOUROCHER, Solveig, La grande salle du logis ducal de Loches et ses décors au service du pouvoir de Louis Ier d’Anjou (1360-1384), in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 69–95.
- BOXLER, Horst, Bäuerliche Herrschaftsheraldik in St. Stephanus, Genhofen, Kreis Lindau/Bayrisch Schwaben, in: Archives héraldique suisses 134 (2020), pp. 5–16.
- BUESCU, Ana Isabel, Salles d’apparat et cérémonies royales au Portugal au XVIe siècle. Quelques notes, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 11–43.
- CARITA, Helder, Les salles d’apparat du palais des vice-rois à Goa, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 213–229.
- CARTER, Michael, The arms of the Cistercian Abbeys as drawn by Dom Anselm Baker. Part 4: South East England, in: The Coat of Arms 238, 4 (2021), pp. 133–156.
- CECCANTINI, Laura and Delphine Grenet, Les programmes héraldiques des demeures patriciennes du sud de la France au XVe siècle, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 220–234.
- COUHAULT, Pierre, Un décor d’or, de laine et de soie. Choix et usage des tapisseries dans les salles d’apparat à partir de l’exemple du palais de Bruxelles, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 305–335.
- COUHAULT, Pierre, Dynastique, impérial ou local? Les décors intérieurs des hôtels de ville et de châtellenies dans le comté de Flandre au milieu du règne de Charles Quint, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 185–204.
- COUHAULT, Pierre, Héros dyonisiens ec enseignes romaines. Regards humanistes sur les savoirs “héraldiques” dans l’Europe de la Renaissance, in: Denis CROUZET et al. (eds.), L’humanisme à l’épreuve de l’Europe: (XVe-XVIe siècle). Histoire d’une transmutation culturelle, Ceyzérieu 2019, pp. 152–166.
- DAMEN, Mario J. M., and Marcus MEER, Heraldry and Territory: Coats of Arms and the Representation and Construction of Authority in Space, in: Mario J. M. DAMEN and Kim OVERLAET (eds.), Constructing and Representing Territory in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Amsterdam 2022, pp. 243–276.
- DELGRANGE, Dominique, La famille Tournemine et quelques peintres en armoiries à Lille (XVIe et XVIIe siècles), in: Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie 87–89 (2017–2019), pp. 97–123.
- DÍAZ MAJANO, Francisco Javier, Las armas del reino de Toledo: representación simbólica de una “ficción” jurídica, in: Hidalguía 383 (2020), pp. 207–246.
- DIAZ PASCUAL, Lucia, The Heraldry of the De Bohun Earls, in: Antiquaries Journal 100 (2020), pp. 141–164.
- DUMITRESCU, Laura, Quelques remarques sur les armoiries imaginaires: Le cas de l’armoirie auto-référée dans Le Roman de Fauvel, in: Catalina Girbea (ed.), Miroirs arthuriens entre images et mirages: actes du XXIVe Congrès de la Société Internationale Arthurienne (Culture et société médiévales, 34), Turnhout 2020, pp. 63–72.
- ERMINI, Giampaolo, La décoration picturale de la grand-salle du Palais de la Commune d’Orvieto, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 165–184.
- FAVEZ, Pierre-Yves, Taque de 1594 aux armoiries de Pierre Berney provenant de l’Abbaye (Vallée de Joux, VD), in: Archives héraldique suisses 134 (2020), pp. 143–146.
- FEDERMAYER, Frederik, Burghers and Heraldry: On the Usage of Heraldic Signs by Burghers in Early Modern Hungarian Kingdom, in: Mesto a dejiny 10, 1 (2021), pp. 48–74.
- FERRARI, Matteo, and Paolo Valandro, Ubi armae ibi princeps: il puteale dell’abbazia di Santo Stefano in Due Carrare. Note sull’araldica di Marsilio da Carrara e dei primi Carraresi, in: Studi veneziani Ser. NS, 81 (2020), pp. 279–306.
- FERRARI, Matteo, France et Castille. Les décors héraldiques de l’»Hôtellerie« de l’abbaye de Nanteuil-en-Vallée (Charente), in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 237–256.
- FLOR, Pedro, Decorating spaces: Artistic strategies of King Manuel I and the great hall of Sintra Royal Palace, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 181–194.
- FRANCISCO OLMOS, José María de, Una encuadernación heráldica peculiar en la Francia del siglo XVI. Hipótesis de trabajo, in: Hidalguía 390 (2022), pp. 341ff.
- GAUCI, Charles A., The evolution of Heraldry in Malta (with reference to the nobility). in: Hidalguía 390 (2022), pp. 355ff.
- GEIKE, Rainer, “Stolzer deutscher Adler”. Heraldische, numismatische, philatelistische und andere bildliche Zeugnisse, in: Der Herold 64, 3–4 (2021), pp. 505–520.
- GENTILE, Luisa Clotilde, Cycles héraldiques aux pieds des monts. Typologies, sens et évolution des salles armoriées des Alpes occidentales (XIVe–XVIIe siècle), in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 87–102.
- HABLOT, Laurent, Des cerfs et des armoiries. Emblématique et symbolique du cerf écuyer dans la représentation du pouvoir à la fin du Moyen Age, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 195–212.
- HABLOT, Laurent, Ordonner et inclure: l”héraldique au service de l’unité des officiers angevins, in: Thierry PÉCOUT (ed.), Les officiers et la chose publique dans les territoires angevins (XIIe-XVe siècle), Roma 2020, pp. 321–357.
- HABLOT, Laurent, Le cycle héraldique du couvent des Jacobins de Poitiers. Un armorial des morts de la bataille de Poitiers 1356?, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 257–276.
- HÄGELI, Benno, Der heraldische Schlüssel zum Tabernakelsekretär im Staatsarchiv St. Gallen, in: Archives héraldique suisses 134 (2020), pp. 37–46.
- HILLSON, James, Heraldry, Time and the King’s Two Bodies. The Palace and Abbey at Westminster, 1253–1363, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 29–52.
- HOOGHIEMSTRA, David, Nederlandse basiliekwapens; een traditie belicht, in: Blazoen 1 (2018), pp. 20–27.
- HOOGHIEMSTRA, David, De diocesane- en bisschopswapens van de bisdommen Groningen-Leeuwarden en Rotterdam, in: Blazoen 4 (2018), pp. 124–138.
- HOOGHIEMSTRA, David, Een heraldische en sigillografische aanvulling op drie bisschopswapens, in: Blazoen 3 (2019), pp. 86–93.
- HUIDOBRO SANZ, David, 300 años de herencia hispánica en la heráldica cívica y vexilología de los Estados Unidos, in: Hidalguía 388 (2021), pp. 161–190.
- HUMPHREYS, Stephen, The tincture rule’s alchemical tinge, in: The Coath of Arms 238, 4 (2022), pp. 117–132.
- KÄLIN, Rolf, Die schweizerische Sitte der Fenster- und Wappenschenkungen und ihre Hochblüte während der Renaissance, in: Herold-Jahrbuch NF 25 (2020), pp. 139–160.
- KNOL, Egge, In Ommelander borgen; Groninger heraldiek in gebrandschilderd glas, in: Blazoen 3 (2020), pp. 84–100.
- KOEHN, Marie, Châteaux de pâtés et paons dorés. La mise en scène du pouvoir princier lors des banquets du mariage de Charles le Téméraire et Marguerite de York à Bruges en 1468, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 291–304.
- KRAVCHENKO, Nadiia, Hunting Heraldry of the Volyn and Kyiv Regions in the 16th – Early 17th Centuries, in: Text and Image: Essential Problems in Art History 1, 11 (2021), pp. 45–63.
- KREMER, Steffen, Zur Frühheraldik in den spätromanischen Wandmalereien der Pfarrkirche von Artins, in: Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde 67 (2021), pp. 65–96.
- KREMER, Steffen: Idoneität zwischen Verwandtschaft und (Gast-)Freundschaft. Das Wappenprogramm des Castello di Issogne als Medium der Herrschaftslegitimation, in: Tilmann TRAUSCH (ed.), Norm, Normabweichung und Praxis des Herrschaftsübergangs in transkultureller Perspektive (Macht und Herrschaft 3), Göttingen 2019, pp. 321–360.
- LÉVY, Tania, La ville en représentation face au roi: armoiries lyonnaises et entrées royales, de Louis XI à François Ier, in: Alexis CHARANSONNET, Jean-Louis GAULIN and Xavier Hélary (eds.), Lyon 1312; rattacher la ville au royaume? (Collection Mondes médiévaux, 3), Lyon et al. 2020, pp. 293–308.
- LINDFIELD, Peter N., Heraldic Forgery: The Case of George Shaw, in: The Coat of Arms 238, 4 (2021), pp. 177–204.
- LOFFT, Jonathan S., Solving the mystery of the origin and history of the armorial achievement of the County of Wellington, Ontario, in: The Coat of Arms 238, 4 (2021), pp. 75–89.
- LOUGNOT, Daniel J., Le cénotaphe de Walther d’Andlau, un monument d’un grand intérêt historique, héraldique et généalogique aux confins actuels du Sundgau, in: Annuaire de la Société d’Histoire du Sundgau 78 (2020), pp. 201–238.
- LUMBLEY, Lee, Oxford College Arms, in: The Coat of Arms 238, 4 (2021), pp. 57–74.
- LUPESCU, Radu, Display in the Great Palace of Hunedoara Castle, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 53–69.
- MACÉ, Laurent, “Tranchetoison”. Onomastique, héraldique et sigillographie de la maison vicomtale des Trencavel (XIe-XIIIe siècle), in: Le Moyen Âge 127 (2021), pp. 355–379.
- MACKENZIE, Jennifer Kathleen, Lorenzo Valla’s Critique of Jurisprudence, the Discovery of Heraldry, and the Philology of Images, in: Renaissance Quarterly 72, 4 (2019), pp. 1183–1224.
- MALZ, Dorit, Jupiter and Neptune as Emperor Charles V and Andrea I Doria. Changing allusions at the Genoese court, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 157–180.
- MÄND, Anu, Power, Memory, and Allegiance. Coats of Arms of Bishops and a Pope in Western Estonia, in: East Central Europe 47 (2020), pp. 138–155.
- MAISSEN, Aluis, Auf den Spuren der Landvögte der Herrschaft Maienfeld 1509 – 1797/99. Wappenbilder auf Schloss Brandis und Fresken im Rathaus, in: Archives héraldique suisses 134 (2020), pp. 17–22.
- MARTÍ I MARTÍNEZ, Pere, Atribución heráldica errónea al Reino de Valencia, por una presunta toponimia compartida, in: Hidalguía 381 (2019), pp. 391–414.
- MARQUER, Julie, Les salles d’apparat de l’Alcazar de Pierre Ier de Castille à Séville: une mise en scène du pouvoir, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 45–67.
- MATHIS, Rémi, La famille Le Blanc, peintres en héraldique à Paris au XVIIe siècle, in: Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie 87–89 (2017–2019), pp. 125–140.
- MAYAUD, Guy, Un édifice d’érudition héraldique au XVIIe siècle: Bible et blason, in: Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie 87–89 (2017–2019), pp. 157–172.
- MEER, Marcus, History on the Walls and Windows to the Past. Heraldic Commemoration of Historical Identity in Late Medieval English and German Town Halls, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 149–164.
- MEER, Marcus, Seeing Proof of Townsmen on the Move: Coats of Arms, Chivalric Badges, and Travel in the Later Middle Ages, in: Journal of Early Modern History 25 (2021), pp. 11–38.
- MÉRINDOL, Christian de, De la signification d’une héraldique féminine singulière : les écus parti de deux armoiries entières, in: Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie 87–89 (2017–2019), pp. 87–95.
- METELO DE SEIXAS, Miguel and Torsten HILTMANN, Heraldic Decor as a Research Problem. The »Sala dos Brasões« of the Sintra Palace and Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms, in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 11–25.
- MOLL, Richard J., Parchment, Print and Paint: The Dissemination of the Cecil Genealogy, in: Antiquaries Journal (2022), pp. 1–24.
- MONTEIRO, Isabel, Music in the Portuguese Renaissance court: performers, contexts & places, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 337–347.
- NARBONA CÁRCELES, María, Décoration héraldique et emblématique des Rois Catholiques au Palais de l’Aljafería de Saragosse (c. 1488–1504), in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 70–83.
- OLEKSIY, Gnatiuk, and Anatoliy MELNYCHUK, Historical Heraldic Symbols as a Marker of Reproducing and Transforming Regional Identity: The Case of Ukraine, Geographia Polonica 94, 4 (2021) pp. 589–607.
- PACHECO, Milton Pedro Dias, A king between gods and heroes: The iconographic programme of the Hall of Ambassadors of the Paço da Ribeira during the reform of D. Filipe I of Portugal, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 231–289.
- PADBERG EVENBOER, Klaas, Het heraldisch-genealogisch handschrift van Hendrick van Nijenhuijs tot den Balkenschot. in: Blazoen 4 (2017), pp. 132–137. [brève description d’un manuscrit généalogique et héraldique vers 1602 et de l’écrivain. Ms-90 ULB Darmstadt]
- PADBERG EVENBOER, Klaas, Bezitters van leengoederen en allodiale goederen in de heerlijkheid Borculo tot 1616, in: Blazoen 2 (2018), pp. 48–61; Blazoen 3 (2018), pp. 95–98.
- PADBERG EVENBOER, Klaas, De wapens van Steden en vrijheden in de Bourgondische Nederlanden, in: Blazoen 3 (2019), pp. 93–105. [Armorial de Gorrevod, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique. Ms. II 6563, pp. 197–221]
- PARDO DE VERA DIAZ, Manuel, La heráldica en los procesos de hidalguía del reino de Navarra, in: Hidalguía 386 (2021), pp. 69–146.
- PCHELOV, E V., Land-Cover Patterns in Russian Territorial and Municipal Heraldry Between the 17th and 19th Centuries, in: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 867, 1 (2021). [PDF]
- REHBERG, Andreas, Heraldic Self-Representation in Roman and Latial Residences (1500–1630), in: Torsten HILTMANN and Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS (eds.), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies, 3), Ostfildern 2020, pp. 120–145.
- RIEDMANN, Josef, Ein heraldisches Zeugnis aus der frühen Habsburgerzeit in Oberitalien? Eine Annäherung – aber keine sichere Lösung, in: Claudia FELLER and Daniel LUGER (eds.), “Semper ad fontes.” Festschrift für Christian Lackner zum 60. Geburtstag, Wien 2020, pp. 233–246.
- ROCHAT, Loic and Nicolas VERNOT, Lorsque la modestie s’impose: les armoiries Rochat, in: Archives héraldique suisses 135 (2021), pp. 113–158.
- RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, José Ignacio, Heráldica nobiliaria de los abades de Cîteaux (generales de la orden Cis- terciense) desde 1560 hasta la revolución francesa, in: Hidalguía 390 (2022), pp. 371ff.
- RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, José Ignacio, Heráldica de los monjes benedictinos y de la congregación de Valladolid, in: Hidalguía 381 (2019), pp. 415–488.
- ROUSSEAU-LEFEBVRE, Christophe, De la difficulté d’établir l’armorial des évêques du Mans (1596-1910) à travers leurs documents armoriés imprimés et leurs sceaux, in: Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie 87–89 (2017–2019), pp. 173–198.
- RÜEGG, Hans, Wappen mit Bezug auf Legenden und Sagen – Details zur Analyse der schweizerischen Kantons-, Bezirks- und Gemeindewappen, in: Archives héraldique suisses 134 (2020), pp. 23–35.
- SÁNCHEZ BADIOLA, Juan José, Narrativa y representación humana en la heráldica gentilicia leonesa, in: Hidalguía 389 (2022), pp. 105ff.
- SAUL, Nigel, The Carminows and Their Arms: History, Heraldry and Myth in Late Medieval and Early Modern Cornwall, in: The English Historical Review 136, 583 (2021), pp. 1419–1449.
- SAVARY, Clément, Le pennon héraldique des Cossé-Brissac: l’ivresse d’une Maison, in: Revue française d’héraldique et de sigillographie 87–89 (2017–2019), pp. 141–156.
- SAVONA-VENTURA, Charles, and Paul A. FOX, Developments in the heraldry of the chivalric orders as exemplified by the Order of Saint Lazarus, in: The Coat of Arms 238, 4 (2021), pp. 90–116.
- SAVORELLI, Alessandro, La Grande Salle du “Palazzo Veccio” à Florence: la représentation du pouvoir entre république et seigneurie, in: Miguel METELO DE SEIXAS, Torsten HILTMANN and João António PORTUGAL (eds.), State-Rooms of Royal and Princely Palaces (14th-16th centuries): Spaces, Images, Rituals, Porto 2022, pp. 139–156.
- SCHNACK, Frederieke Maria, Repräsentation mit Krummstab, Wappen und Mitra. Die Siegelbilder der spätmittelalterlichen Mindener Bischöfe, in: Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde 67 (2021), pp. 29–64.
- SEIBOLD, Gerhard, Der Adelsbrief des Alphonse de Sandoz – Ein Beispiel für die Standeserhöhungspraxis im Kanton Neuenburg während der preussischen Herrschaft, in: Archives héraldique suisses 134 (2020), pp. 47–54.
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