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Author: Torsten Hiltmann


[Paper:] Francesca Tasso, Tosi Luca (Milan, I): Sala dei Moroni in the so called Cortile Ducale (Ducal Courtyard) in Castello Sforzesco

1498 Ludovico il Moro, Lord of Milano, Italy, committed to Leonardo da Vinci the painted decoration of one of the rooms of his court palace, the so called Sala delle Asse. Recent researches, connected to the current restoration, let understand that Leonardo celebrated Ludovico with a wide pavilion of 16 trees of mulberries, whose branches were connected in the ceiling. The mulberry was chosen as an original and modern...


[Paper:] Matteo Ferrari (Poitiers, F): Le prince et son image. L’ornementation picturale des résidences seigneuriales de Galéas II et Barnabé Visconti

Depuis la seigneurie de Galéas I Visconti († 1328) les résidences des seigneurs de Milan ont été dotées d’apparats ornementaux, surtout peints, visant à augmenter le prestige des espaces et à mettre en scène l’image du prince. En raison des aléas de la conservation, l’agencement des palais milanais des premiers Visconti et de leurs décors n’est désormais connu que grâce aux sources textuelles et à quelques rares vestiges monumentaux....


[Paper:] Laura Cirri (Florence, I): The use of the imprese in the Medicean iconography of power: evolution and consolidation through the 15th and 16th centuries

  The aim of this talk is to highlight how the choice and the use of the imprese among the Medici family became a sort of continuing thread from the first generations of the family and their successors. The main focus of the talk will be the decorative apparatus of the Medicean Villa of Poggio a Caiano and the key role of the devices. The talk will first introduce...


[Paper:] Pierre Couhault (Paris, F): Un décor d’or, de soie et de laine. À propos du choix des tapisseries dans l’ornementation de la grande salle du palais de Bruxelles (XVe‐XVIe siècles)

Quand on envisage le décor intérieur des monuments du passé, c’est souvent de façon relativement statique. La plupart du temps, on s’intéresse à un état donné, considéré comme pertinent ou définitif. Dans de meilleurs cas, on cherche à retracer les évolutions au gré des campagnes successives de travaux. Le colloque tenu à Münster l’an dernier avait ainsi donné la priorité à des oeuvres « en dur », destinées à...


[Paper:] Laurent Hablot (Paris, F): Des cerfs et des armoiries. Emblématique et symbolique du cerf écuyer dans la représentation du pouvoir à la fin du Moyen Age

Le plafond peint de la grande salle du trône de Sintra expose les armes de la quasi totalité des familles de la haute noblesse, appendues au cou de cerfs galopant, entourant les armes du lignage royal d’une étonnante cavalcade entre ciel et terre. Le choix de ce motif à Sintra – le cerf portant un écu à son cou – ne doit sans doute rien au hasard. Depuis plus...


[Paper:] Silvia Marin Barutcieff, Ștefan Barutcieff (Bucharest, RO): From Sacred Art to the Art of Politics. Mural Paintings and the 15th Century Iconographic Discourse of St. George’s Castle in Mantua

In 1433, Gianfrancesco Gonzaga became the first marquess of Mantua, a title granted by Emperor Sigismund in recognition of his services to the Holy Roman Empire. Succeeding his father, Ludovico III Gonzaga ruled the Lombard city from 1444 to 1478, as the second marquess of Mantua. Having completed his education in the company of outstanding figures (such as the humanist Vittorino Rambaldini da Feltre, his tutor), Ludovico invited at...


[Paper:] Elizabeth Biggs, James Hillson (Cambridge, UK): A Palace Chapel as State-Room at Westminster, 1348-1450

In 1348 St Stephen’s Chapel was completed.  Sited in the centre of the Palace of Westminster, the blank walls of the new building presented Edward III with an opportunity to create a new iconography of kingship. Between 1348 and 1363 the king and his craftsmen transformed the chapel’s surface into one of the most elaborate royal decorative programmes of the fourteenth century, including painted masonry, Old Testament narratives, sculptures,...


[Paper:] Isabel Monteiro (Lisbon): Music in Portuguese Renaissance Courts: Performers, Contexts and Places

The expression ‘heraldic music’ has been used to describe musical bands of a significant number of trumpets, kettle drums and shawms suitable to accompany solemn courtly and other ceremonial events, although we do not know much about the music they actually played. It is certainly not necessary to remind the fact that no great lord did not make use of music to present his class and power, standing in...


[Paper:] Christian de Mérindol (Paris): A propos du Palais de Sintra, les priorités directionnelles et autres références

Dans une récente étude sur les références et pratiques à la cour royale du Portugal, nous avons relevé, notamment dans le Palais de Sintra, l’emplacement significatif de la salle des armoiries, l’orientation de l’écu royal en cette salle,ainsi que l’emploi de certaines couleurs et la présence soutenue de certaines formes et de certains nombres. Nos travaux, en particulier sur la maison de France, nous avaient préparé à ces observations....


[Paper:] Nuno Senos (Lisbon): The Great Hall of the Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa

From the 1530s to the 1560s, duke Teodosio de Bragança conducted a series of major construction campaigns in his family’s palace in Vila Viçosa providing the building with a new wing faced with a splendid marble façade (the first secular renaissance façade in the country) and a series of new rooms. Among these, a monumental staircase leads to an also new great hall of grand proportions, decorated with expensive...


[Paper:] Pedro Flor (Lisbon): Decorating spaces: Artistic strategies of King Manuel I and the great hall of Sintra royal palace

Sintra became popular with the royal family as Queen Philippa of Lancaster received from King João I the rents and the properties of the town. Besides, the King set about rebuilding the royal lodgings around 1415. Sintra was rewarded by a series of royal visits from medieval times to Renaissance. Kings and its court stayed there on a number of occasions and seem to have particularly favoured the royal...


[Paper:] Alessandro Savorelli (Florence): La Grande Salle de “Palazzo Vecchio” à Florence: la représentation du pouvoir entre république et seigneurie

Le Palazzo Vecchio (bati en 1299-1314) est aussi connu sous le nom de Palazzo della Signoria, mais en ce cas il n’est pas à confondre le mot “seigneurie/signoria” (qui à Florence désignait le gouvernement “républicain” de la Commune), avec l’expression communément utilisée pour definir les dominations qui s’affirment dans les des villes italiennes entre la fin du XIIIe siècle et le XVe s., après la crise des institutions communales....