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Category: Events

Conference reports, notes on workshops.


Tagung: Wappen als Waffe – Heraldische Symbole in politischen, dynastischen, militärischen und rechtlichen Konflikten des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (13.-15.06.2024, Greifswald)

Internationale Fachtagung des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Geschichte des Mittelalters der Universität Greifswald unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Dr. Ralf-Gunnar Werlich (Greifswald) Die Tagung beschäftigt sich mit Wappen als ein im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit weitverbreitetes europaspezifisches Phänomen der visuellen Kommunikation und ihrer Rolle in politischen, dynastischen, militärischen und rechtlichen Konflikten. Mit dieser Schwerpunktsetzung betritt sie Neuland. Dies umso mehr als an konkreten Fallbeispielen orientiert erstmals derartige Konflikte...


Book presentation on 20th October 2023, 5pm: Heraldry in Contact (Heraldic Studies 5) – hybrid

We are pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the 5th volume of the Heraldic Studies series edited by Urte Krass and Miguel Metelo de Seixas, titled “Heraldry in Contact: Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form”. The volume will be presented by Laurent Hablot on 20 October 2023 at 5pm (Spanish time) at the International Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry, which takes place in Ronda (Spain) from...


Invitation: Inscribing heraldry on UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage list? – Next meeting of the Société française d’héraldique et de sigillographie (19 October 23, 5pm, hybrid)

At the next meeting of the Société française d’héraldique et de sigillographie on Thursday, 19 October, starting at 5pm, Nicolas Vernot will be presenting the project to recognise the practice of heraldry as intangible cultural heritage in France and at UNESCO. Everyone who would like to learn more about this initiative or would like to get involved is cordially invited to this event, which can be attended in person...


[Report] Seals and Linked Open Data, December 2nd to 8th 2020

From 2 to 8 December, the symposium Seals and Linked Open Data was held as part of the online Linked Pasts 6 conference. The symposium was organised by John McEwan, Associate Director of the Center for Digital Humanities at Saint Louis University. Three webinar panels during the event brought together several experts on sigillography from research institutions, museums and archives who presented various projects, databases and ontologies on sigillographic...


[Publication] Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies 3)

Just in time for Christmas, we are pleased to announce the publication of the long-awaited third volume of the “Heraldic Studies” series. Under the title “Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms” Miguel Metelo de Seixas and Torsten Hiltmann present a collection of fifteen richly illustrated articles that have emerged from the corresponding workshop held at the University of Münster from 16 to 18 March 2016. The volume...


[Paper] Detection, Description, Analysis – Towards an Integrated Approach to Heraldic Representations on Seals using Machine Learning and Semantic Web Technologies (Linked Pasts 6 Conference, 2 December 2020)

From 2 December to 16 December 2020, the sixth edition of the conference Linked Pasts, organised by the Institute of Classical Studies in London, will be held online. Linked Pasts is an annual conference on the use of Linked Open Data for the study of history. This year, one of the panels of the conference, organised by the Center for Digital Humanities at the University of Saint Louis, will...

Visible Identites conference, London. (2017) 0

[Report:] Visible Identities: Symbolic Codes from Personal Heraldry to Corporate Logos, London, 6 November 2017

It is a convenient coincidence that an event of this thematic scope took place in London, a city that is home to the College of Arms as the oldest authority of heraldry as a century-old tradition of visual identification on the one, and the headquarters of countless companies concerned with identity of modern global brands on the other side. With these two dimensions in mind, this symposium brought together...


‘Heraldic Artists and Painters’ volume is now forthcoming!

I am pleased to announce that the first volume of our new ‘Heraldic Studies’ series has now been sent off to the printers and will be published just in time for Christmas! Under the title ‘Heraldic Artists and Painters in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times’, Laurent Hablot and I present a collection of fourteen English and French papers bringing together contributions from our Poitiers conference in 2014...


Heraldry in the royal palace of Sintra: ‘In the Service of the Crown’ project on national TV in Portugal

The show Visita Guiada (‘Guided Visit’) by Portuguese journalist Paula Moura Pinheiro is currently the most popular program of Portugal’s public broadcasting channel RTP 2. Every week, a Portuguese monument of cultural importance is presented by a specialist, generally a historian. Last week, the chosen monument was the royal palace in Sintra and its sala dos brasões (‘hall of coats of arms’). It was presented by Miguel Metelo de...


[Paper:] Marie Koehn (Strasbourg, F / Münster, D): Décor de table et mise en scène du pouvoir princière. Le mariage de Charles le Téméraire (1468)

Charles le Téméraire est connu pour son déploiement de faste représentatif ; la cour de Bourgogne marque l’apogée de la culture de cour au moyen âge. Pour manifester le pouvoir et l’autonomie de la jeune dynastie entre la France et le Saint Empire et pour unifier un territoire très hétérogène, le Duc de Bourgogne mit en place une autoreprésentation élaborée et splendide tout au long de son règne. Les...


[Paper:] Miguel Metelo de Seixas (Lisbon): La ‘sala dos brasões’ de Sintra: approches et enjeux historiographiques

La « sala dos brasões » du palais royal de Sintra constitue, pour le Portugal, un cas isolé de salle d’apparat au décor héraldique. Ce caractère unique lui a valu une approche historiographique elle-même exceptionnelle : depuis le XVIe jusqu’au XXe siècle, chroniqueurs, historiens, mémorialistes et voyageurs la présentèrent comme lieu de mémoire par excellence de la monarchie et de la noblesse portugaises. Plus récemment, des approches basées sur le...


[Paper:] Ana Isabel Buescu (Lisbon): Intérieurs. Salles d’apparat et cérémonies royales au Portugal au XVIe siècle – quelques notes

Le thème de ce workshop met en évidence l’importance de la connaissance des spatialités dans l’organique fonctionnelle et d’apparat des anciennes résidences royales et aristocratiques en Europe, du 14e au 16e siècle, particulièrement dans les salles d’État. Dans le cas portugais, au Moyen Âge et encore au 16e siècle, on doit souligner le caractère fragmentaire des témoignages qui sont à notre disposition. Les raisons pour une telle réalité sont...