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Category: Workshop: Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms (Münster 2016)


[Report:] Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms, Münster 16-18 March

On 16-18 March 2016 the workshop Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms took place in Münster. The origins of this workshop lay in the challenges of understanding the function of the heraldic display in one particular state-room: the sala dos brasões of the National Palace in Sintra, Portugal, dating from the early sixteenth century. The ceiling of this hall presents the coats of arms of the Portuguese royal...


[Paper:] Ambiguous Arms – Difficulties of Reading and Interpreting Heraldic Programmes in Medieval Austrian Wall Paintings (Andreas Zajic)

The paper focusses on the problem of a sound interpretation of the puzzling late 13th century armorial paintings in the Great Hall of the so-called Gozzoburg in Krems (Lower Austria) and contrasts them to less enigmatic heraldic programmes featured in other Austrian castles, visualising aristocratic kinship bonds, ties of fealty or more complex relations between noble patrons and their clients. Andreas Zajic heads the Division of Text Edition and...


[Paper:] Pour une typologie des décors monumentaux armoriés dans le royaume de France au Moyen Age (Christian de Mérindol)

Les décors monumentaux armoriés sont une source en situation – la salle, la demeure, la cité, la province, le royaume et hors le royaume -, un reflet de la société – outre le roi et son entourage, l’aristocratie, les patriciens et les membres de l’Eglise -, enfin une source qu’il faut placer dans des séries iconographiques et confronter à d’autres supports. Si les décors évoquent le contexte, reflètent la...


[Paper:] The Gothic Drawing Room of Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire. A.W.N. Pugins reception of a medieval interior (Judith Berger)

The United Kingdom possesses numerous seigneurial estates, which form an all-encompassing network and serve as control as well as administrative tool of the monarchy. Their owners use them for their political ascent, the legitimization of their power, and utilize them as symbols of political, social and later economic power. Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire, combines all of these features. Furthermore, the design of its interiors proceeds with this symbolism. Not the...


[Paper:] La décoration picturale de la salle majeure du Palais de la Commune d’Orviète (Giampaolo Ermini)

Le Palais de la Commune d’Orviète remonte au XIIIème siècle, mais il a été fortement transformé au cours des siècles. Dans une salle qu’on peut identifier comme ayant été la partie supérieure de l’ancienne salle majeure, on trouve les restes d’une décoration ancienne, de fait inédite. D’après la seule citation connue (Perali 1919), ces peintures ont été datées du temps de Matteo Orsini (1343-1345) d’après la présence d’un grand...


[paper:] Noble and Royal Heraldic Display in the Great Palace of the Hunedoara Castle (Radu Lupescu)

The castle of Hunedoara houses the most complex heraldic programmes among the medieval residences of the medieval Hungarian Kingdom consisting of almost seventy coat of arms. Twenty-eight of them decorates the Great Palace of the castle, a construction started to be built by John Hunyadi and finished by his son, King Matthias Corvinus. This is the reason why two generation of heraldic decoration are displayed in the interior spaces...


[Paper:] Heraldic Display as a Part of Festive Decoration in Villa Lanthieri in Vipava (Helena Seražin)

The visit of Emperor Leopold I to Carniola and the County of Gorizia in the autumn of 1660 encouraged local aristocracy to modify their homes and embellish them with artworks. On his way from Ljubljana to Gorizia the emperor with his escort spent one night in Lanthieri villa at Vipava. To honour this visit and show his loyalty to the Emperor, Antonio Count Lanthieri decorated the ground floor ceiling...


[Paper:] Heraldic Display on the Castles of “New Men” in the Late Middle Ages (Audrey Thorstad)

Past scholarship has argued that the new men of the Tudor dynasty represented themselves through to use of newly acquired heraldic devices to match their newly bestowed titles. Recently, however it has been shown that these newly created men were using royal heraldry on their residences. This identified them as loyal subjects to the king, but there is more to these outward displays of loyalty. Men such as Sir...


[Paper:] Heraldic Self-Representation in Aristocratic Residences in Rome and Lazio (1500-1630) (Andreas Rehberg)

From a note of Marcantonio Altieri, a significant representative of the upper classes of Rome around 1500, we know that the roman nobility in its palaces exposed the “antique insegne” of the relatives and family friends. Although, according to Altieri, this custom was already 200 years old, only few of these heraldic programs survived. These frescoes and ceilings originate entirely from the 16th and 17th centuries. The lecture would...


[Paper:] Spaces of Many-Faced Majesty. Heraldic Church Interior and the Redefinition of Rule During the Dutch Revolt (Steven Thiry)

It is commonplace that princely ensigns armorial embodied dynastic continuity and rightful territorial possession. Either impressing elites in an exclusive palace setting or showered upon the masses by the ephemeral machinery of festive spectacle, they are usually considered plain instruments of worldly domination. However, their iconography was not always that uncomplicated. The Spanish Monarchy’s heraldic patrimony in particular consisted of various symbolic conventions, evoking a strenuous history of state...


[Paper:] Cycles héraldiques aux pieds des monts: typologies, sens et évolution des salles armoriées des Alpes occidentales (XIVe-XVIIe siècle) (Luisa Gentile)

Ces dernières années, les Alpes Occidentales ont été étudiées à plusieurs reprises dans une perspective artistique, en tant que région ayant un caractère spécifique, entre le Moyen Age et le début de l’Epoque moderne. Peut-on faire de même pour l’héraldique des salles d’apparat? La question sera analysée à partir du côté italien, sans oublier – autant qu’il sera possible – de trouver des termes de comparaison dans le reste...


[Paper:] Le décor héraldique de l’Eglise des Jacobins de Poitiers (Laurent Hablot)

Un relevé réalisé par Boudan pour Roger de Gaignières au début du XVIIIe siècle nous permet de conserver le souvenir d’un important décor héraldique peint dans l’église conventuelle des Jacobins de Poitiers. Aujourd’hui disparu, ce décor intéresse depuis longtemps les érudits locaux qui ont voulu y voir le souvenir héraldique des morts de la bataille de Poitiers (1356) inhumés dans l’enceinte du couvent. Si, comme toute légende, celle-ci semble...