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Tagged: 13th c.


[Publication] Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies 3)

Just in time for Christmas, we are pleased to announce the publication of the long-awaited third volume of the “Heraldic Studies” series. Under the title “Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms” Miguel Metelo de Seixas and Torsten Hiltmann present a collection of fifteen richly illustrated articles that have emerged from the corresponding workshop held at the University of Münster from 16 to 18 March 2016. The volume...


Heraldic Language in French Narrative of 12th-13th centuries

  In memory of Gerard J. Brault, 1929-2020   Being an MA in linguistics I was invited in 2013 by the group of Heraldry and Genealogy Project of the Institute of World History, Moscow, to conduct research on blazon as a professional language of heraldry. The idea was to add a new – linguistic – perspective to a primarily historical topic. When I started my inquiries in the world...



This week, Elmar Hofman handed in his dissertation on armorials in Dutch, German and French manuscripts from the thirteenth to the early sixteenth centuries, a subproject of the “Performanz der Wappen” research project. In this dissertation, Hofman pursues the question as to how armorials in medieval manuscripts can be studied as means of communication and historical sources. He presents a diversified approach, taking into account various aspects of a...


‘Heraldic Artists and Painters’ volume is now forthcoming!

I am pleased to announce that the first volume of our new ‘Heraldic Studies’ series has now been sent off to the printers and will be published just in time for Christmas! Under the title ‘Heraldic Artists and Painters in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times’, Laurent Hablot and I present a collection of fourteen English and French papers bringing together contributions from our Poitiers conference in 2014...


Matthew Paris and others now in Digitised Armorials list

The manuscript London, British Library, Royal MS 14 C VII is now added to the Digitised Armorials list. The manuscript contains the entire Historia Anglorum (covering 1066-1253) and the last part of the Chronica Majora (covering 1254-1259). It is identified as an autograph of Matthew Paris (d. 1259), monk in the abbey of St. Albans. The manuscript contains coats of arms in the margins, 95 in total[1]. These make...


[Paper:] Torsten Hiltmann: Heraldry and Materiality – Oxford, 1 March 2017

In recent years the concept of materiality has become more and more important in historical research. In going beyond the study of texts and images, scholarship now also addresses the materiality of their media, as well as the role physical objects may have played in different historical settings. This talk will explore the relationship between coats of arms and the concept of materiality. First, the talk will focus on...


[Paper:] Lucie Jardot: Les sceaux des comtesses de Flandre et de Hainaut (XIIIe-XVe siècles). Des représentations princières au pouvoir politique, le discours par l’image et ses problématiques matrimoniales – Paris, 16 février 2017

Comme la plupart des femmes de leur rang, les comtesses de Flandre et de Hainaut, se dotent à l’occasion de leur mariage d’un sceau les représentant, jusqu’au milieu du XIVème siècle, en pieds accostées des armes de leur père et de leur époux. Après cette période on assiste à la modification de ce modèle. Dès lors, ce type de figuration est abandonné au profit de l’héraldique. Cette intervention est...


[Project:] Imaginäre Wappen im deutsch- und französischsprachigen Raum, 13. – 16. Jahrhundert / Les armoiries imaginaires dans l’espace germanophone et francophone, XIIIe – XVIe siècles

Im Zentrum des Dissertationsprojektes (Universität Heidelberg/EHESS Paris) stehen Wappen, die im Deutschen gemeinhin als „Phantasie-“ oder „Fabelwappen“, in Anlehnung an die französische Heraldik auch als „imaginäre Wappen“ bezeichnet werden. Die jüngere Forschung definierte die armoiries imaginaires als Wappenzuschreibungen an Personen oder Gestalten, die das ihnen zugesprochene Wappen nachweislich und aus bestimmten Gründen nie haben führen können[1]. Wappen dieser Zuordnung haben in der heraldischen Forschung lange Zeit ein Nischendasein geführt....


[Paper:] Ambiguous Arms – Difficulties of Reading and Interpreting Heraldic Programmes in Medieval Austrian Wall Paintings (Andreas Zajic)

The paper focusses on the problem of a sound interpretation of the puzzling late 13th century armorial paintings in the Great Hall of the so-called Gozzoburg in Krems (Lower Austria) and contrasts them to less enigmatic heraldic programmes featured in other Austrian castles, visualising aristocratic kinship bonds, ties of fealty or more complex relations between noble patrons and their clients. Andreas Zajic heads the Division of Text Edition and...


[Paper:] Pour une typologie des décors monumentaux armoriés dans le royaume de France au Moyen Age (Christian de Mérindol)

Les décors monumentaux armoriés sont une source en situation – la salle, la demeure, la cité, la province, le royaume et hors le royaume -, un reflet de la société – outre le roi et son entourage, l’aristocratie, les patriciens et les membres de l’Eglise -, enfin une source qu’il faut placer dans des séries iconographiques et confronter à d’autres supports. Si les décors évoquent le contexte, reflètent la...


[Paper:] France et Castille. Les décors héraldiques de la « Salle de justice » de l’abbaye de Nanteuil-en-Valée, Charente (Matteo Ferrari)

Située à la frontière méridionale de l’ancien diocèse de Poitiers, depuis 2013 l’abbaye Saint-Benoît-et-Sainte-Marie de Nanteuil-en-Vallée fait l’objet, d’un chantier de fouilles et d’études programmées. Parmi les bâtiments qui composent le complexe monastique, l’attention des chercheurs a été retenue par un grand édifice, appelé l’«Hôtellerie », placé au sud-est du chevet de l’église abbatiale, entièrement détruite depuis la fin du XVIIIème siècle. Construit vers le milieu du XIIIème siècle et...


Review on T. Huthwelker, Die Darstellung des Rangs in Wappen und Wappenrollen published on H-Soz-u-Kult

My review on Thorsten Huthwelker’s study on the representation of rank in late medieaval coats of arms and armorials has been published yesterday on H-Soz-u-Kult, the central online information and communication platform for historians in the German-speaking area. In his study, Thorsten Huthwelker tries to answer the questions “In what way did coats of arms could reveal the rang of their bearer?” and “To what extent did medieval armorials...