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Tagged: 15th c.


Exhibition: Knights of the Golden Fleece: a Brilliant Myth Unravelled (24.02.-2.06.24; Mechelen, Belgium)

We would like to bring the following upcoming exhibition to your attention: From February 24th to June 2nd, 2024, Museum Hof van Busleyden (Mechelen, Belgium) will host the exhibition “Knights of the Golden Fleece: a Brilliant Myth Unravelled”. About: The exhibition delves into the historical significance of the Order of the Golden Fleece, showcasing the grandeur and intrigue surrounding one of Europe’s earliest political alliances. Set against the backdrop...


[Publication] Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms (Heraldic Studies 3)

Just in time for Christmas, we are pleased to announce the publication of the long-awaited third volume of the “Heraldic Studies” series. Under the title “Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms” Miguel Metelo de Seixas and Torsten Hiltmann present a collection of fifteen richly illustrated articles that have emerged from the corresponding workshop held at the University of Münster from 16 to 18 March 2016. The volume...



This week, Elmar Hofman handed in his dissertation on armorials in Dutch, German and French manuscripts from the thirteenth to the early sixteenth centuries, a subproject of the “Performanz der Wappen” research project. In this dissertation, Hofman pursues the question as to how armorials in medieval manuscripts can be studied as means of communication and historical sources. He presents a diversified approach, taking into account various aspects of a...


La Cour amoureuse, dite de Charles VI : héraldique, politique, société et culture au XVe siècle

Conférence d’Hélène Loyau et Clara Bozzolo à la Société française d’héraldique et de sigillographie à l’occasion de la sortie du t. IV de l’Armorial de la Cour amoureuse, Paris, Le Léopard d’or. Paris, Centre d’accueil et de recherche des Archives Nationales, 11, rue des Quatre Fils, Paris 75003. Salle d’Albâtre. 21 mars 2019, 17h. Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles. Ce quatrième et dernier volume achève de...


Bergshammar armorial online!

Since last week, a digitised version of the Bergshammar armorial has been freely accessible online on the website of the Swedish national archives. This fascinating parchment manuscript contains over 3000 coats of arms, displaying first European high nobles by rank followed by nobles by political entities, with a focus on the Holy Roman Empire, France and England. It is dated to the mid-15th century and it is assumed to...


‘Heraldic Artists and Painters’ volume is now forthcoming!

I am pleased to announce that the first volume of our new ‘Heraldic Studies’ series has now been sent off to the printers and will be published just in time for Christmas! Under the title ‘Heraldic Artists and Painters in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times’, Laurent Hablot and I present a collection of fourteen English and French papers bringing together contributions from our Poitiers conference in 2014...


A few more armorials online (Mandragore database)

The Mandragore database of the Bibliothèque national in Paris ( allows one to search images of the BnF’s illuminated manuscripts. Unsurprisingly perhaps, this also brings to light a rather larger number of heraldic images (some 10,000 images are tagged ‘armoiries’) and at least a few armorials: 18 manuscripts in the database have been described as armorials (i.e. have the word ‘armorial’ in the modern title). Here’s a list: 1...


Wappenbuch BSB Cgm 8030 online

Unter den Neuzugängen der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek (BSB) findet man das Wappenbuch Cgm 8030. Es ist eines der größten mittelalterlichen Wappenbücher (359 Blätter, ca. 2811 erhaltene Wappen, mindestens 38 nicht mehr erhalten, über 100 leere Schilde) und war bisher weder den Forschern bekannt noch in der Fachliteratur zitiert. Es besteht aus vielen Segmenten, aber außer der Lage, die 4 Blätter zählt, wurde es nach den vorab bestimmten Kriterien in einer...


Nassau-Vianden armorial accessible online!

Earlier this year the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague acquired the Nassau-Vianden armorial. This fascinating manuscript is now digitized and accessible online at the website of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. On this website the presentation of the armorial is accompanied by an introduction and some details on the content, of which a brief summary follows below. The armorial displays the ancestors of count Engelbrecht II of Nassau (1451-1504), of both the...


A world (map) of coat of arms: Richental’s mappamundi

The Aulendorf copy of Richental’s chronicle, today preserved in New York, is rightly famous as an important textual witness not only of the chronicle but also the armorial transmitted with the latter (see on the manuscript and the coats of arms it contains). Today, I would like to draw attention to a slightly hidden feature of the Aulendorf manuscript, namely the mappamundi it contains – a so-called ‘T-O...


[Paper:] Isabel Monteiro (Lisbon): Music in Portuguese Renaissance Courts: Performers, Contexts and Places

The expression ‘heraldic music’ has been used to describe musical bands of a significant number of trumpets, kettle drums and shawms suitable to accompany solemn courtly and other ceremonial events, although we do not know much about the music they actually played. It is certainly not necessary to remind the fact that no great lord did not make use of music to present his class and power, standing in...


[Paper:] Torsten Hiltmann: Heraldry and Materiality – Oxford, 1 March 2017

In recent years the concept of materiality has become more and more important in historical research. In going beyond the study of texts and images, scholarship now also addresses the materiality of their media, as well as the role physical objects may have played in different historical settings. This talk will explore the relationship between coats of arms and the concept of materiality. First, the talk will focus on...