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Tagged: communication


Matthew Paris and others now in Digitised Armorials list

The manuscript London, British Library, Royal MS 14 C VII is now added to the Digitised Armorials list. The manuscript contains the entire Historia Anglorum (covering 1066-1253) and the last part of the Chronica Majora (covering 1254-1259). It is identified as an autograph of Matthew Paris (d. 1259), monk in the abbey of St. Albans. The manuscript contains coats of arms in the margins, 95 in total[1]. These make...


The Bavarian Charlemagne: Communicating through attributed coats of arms

The series of Bavarian princes in a late 15th-century manuscript contains an interesting coat of arms attributed to Charlemagne. It differs slightly from the common design of his arms. This subtle variation can open a door to more insights into the function of coats of arms as a performative means of communication. Charlemagne’s arms This coat of arms of Charlemagne consists of three elements: per pale, the dexter half Or, a double-headed...


[Report:] Heraldry in the Medieval City: The Case of Italy in the European Context, Rome 5-7 May 2015

On 5-7 May the École française de Rome was home to the fifth workshop in the conference series Journées Héraldiques. This time the conference was dedicated to the topic of ‘Heraldry in the Medieval City’. The event was opened by the organizers LAURENT HABLOT and TORSTEN HILTMANN, who introduced the key points of this workshop. Heraldry is often exclusively perceived as part of an aristocratic culture. Traditionally, cities and...


[Paper:] Laurent Héry (Brest), Armoiries et communication héraldique lors des entrées d’Anne de Foix dans les cités de Vénétie (1502)

Anne de Foix, lors du périple qu’elle accomplit en 1502 pour rejoindre son futur époux Vladislas II Jagellon, traverse plusieurs cités de Terre Ferme (Crema, Brescia, Vérone, Vicence, Padoue) avant d’arriver à Venise et d’embarquer pour la Hongrie. Pierre Choque, le héraut d’Anne de Bretagne qui l’accompagne, a laissé un récit de ce voyage : sa description des entrées dans les villes italiennes s’avère particulièrement intéressante pour appréhender la...