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Tagged: early modern times


Tagung: Wappen als Waffe – Heraldische Symbole in politischen, dynastischen, militärischen und rechtlichen Konflikten des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (13.-15.06.2024, Greifswald)

Internationale Fachtagung des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Geschichte des Mittelalters der Universität Greifswald unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Dr. Ralf-Gunnar Werlich (Greifswald) Die Tagung beschäftigt sich mit Wappen als ein im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit weitverbreitetes europaspezifisches Phänomen der visuellen Kommunikation und ihrer Rolle in politischen, dynastischen, militärischen und rechtlichen Konflikten. Mit dieser Schwerpunktsetzung betritt sie Neuland. Dies umso mehr als an konkreten Fallbeispielen orientiert erstmals derartige Konflikte...


Recent Publications – Update November 2020

As the days get both shorter and colder again and we all have to social distance in these times, how about some new reading material? This list contains publications on heraldry as well as articles and books in which heraldry plays a supporting role. Since our last update a number of interesting articles have been published which we would like to give an overview of. This overview is certainly...


Three Dynasties, One Armorial: Cranachs, Wettins and Habsburgs in Manchester, John Rylands Library, German MS. 2

Manchester’s John Rylands Library is the custodian of a high-quality sixteenth-century German armorial (available online) which has only recently been studied in detail for the first time. In an article for the latest issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library1 I have advanced three main hypotheses concerning the genesis of German MS. 2 (henceforth Rylands German 2): that it was produced in 1565 in the renowned Wittenberg...


Recent publications. Update January 2019

This list contains publications on heraldry as well as articles and books in which heraldry plays a supportive part. It provides an overview of interesting reads that have been published since our last update, including recent publications that we missed last time but definitely deserve mentioning. The overview is not complete. If you know of any new publications, please let us know by using the comment box below, and we...


[Report:] Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms, Münster 16-18 March

On 16-18 March 2016 the workshop Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms took place in Münster. The origins of this workshop lay in the challenges of understanding the function of the heraldic display in one particular state-room: the sala dos brasões of the National Palace in Sintra, Portugal, dating from the early sixteenth century. The ceiling of this hall presents the coats of arms of the Portuguese royal...


La base de données Bibale, un outil pour des recherches héraldiques

Depuis le printemps de 2014 il existe un outil en ligne qui mérite d’être porté à l’attention aux personnes intéressées en héraldique. Il s’agit de la base de données « Bibale », qui est conçue et alimentée à la Section de codicologie, histoire des bibliothèques et héraldique de l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT). BIBALE (pour BIBliothèque médievALE) est une base de données qui a pour objectif de...


[Paper:] Cycles héraldiques aux pieds des monts: typologies, sens et évolution des salles armoriées des Alpes occidentales (XIVe-XVIIe siècle) (Luisa Gentile)

Ces dernières années, les Alpes Occidentales ont été étudiées à plusieurs reprises dans une perspective artistique, en tant que région ayant un caractère spécifique, entre le Moyen Age et le début de l’Epoque moderne. Peut-on faire de même pour l’héraldique des salles d’apparat? La question sera analysée à partir du côté italien, sans oublier – autant qu’il sera possible – de trouver des termes de comparaison dans le reste...


Programme: Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms: Towards a Typology of Heraldic Programmes in Spaces of Self-Representation – Münster, Germany, 16-18 March 2016

Heraldry was an ubiquitous element of state-rooms. Whether in palaces of kings and princes, castles of noblemen, residences of patricians, city halls or in cathedral chapters, heraldic display was a crucial element in the visual programme of these spaces. Despite its omnipresence, however, heraldic display in state-rooms remains largely understudied so far. Given the fundamental role of heraldry in medieval and early modern visual communication, it seems essential to...