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Tagged: Holy Roman Empire


Review on T. Huthwelker, Die Darstellung des Rangs in Wappen und Wappenrollen published on H-Soz-u-Kult

My review on Thorsten Huthwelker’s study on the representation of rank in late medieaval coats of arms and armorials has been published yesterday on H-Soz-u-Kult, the central online information and communication platform for historians in the German-speaking area. In his study, Thorsten Huthwelker tries to answer the questions “In what way did coats of arms could reveal the rang of their bearer?” and “To what extent did medieval armorials...


Thorsten Huthwelker: Die Darstellung des Rangs in Wappen und Wappenrollen des späten Mittelalters (engl.: Study on the representation of rank in late medieaval coats of arms and armorials, forthcoming in July 2013)

Thorsten Huthwelker’s book on the representation of rank in late medieval coats of arms and armorials will soon be published at Thorbecke. I suppose it will resume his studies in the context of the ERC project “Rank and order: The Formation and Visualisation of the Social and Political Order of Princes in late Medieval Europe” under the direction of Jörg Peltzer at the University of Heidelberg (more details). In...