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Tagged: review


Recent Publications: Update October 2014

In this first post of this section we listed books and articles concerning medieval and early modern heraldry published since the start of 2013. If you now any interesting publications that are not in this list, please let us know, so we can include them in the next update           Books Biendiné, Dominique, Armorial de l’Ost de Flandre (1297) (Paris, 2013) Biendiné, Dominique, Armorial du...


Review on T. Huthwelker, Die Darstellung des Rangs in Wappen und Wappenrollen published on H-Soz-u-Kult

My review on Thorsten Huthwelker’s study on the representation of rank in late medieaval coats of arms and armorials has been published yesterday on H-Soz-u-Kult, the central online information and communication platform for historians in the German-speaking area. In his study, Thorsten Huthwelker tries to answer the questions “In what way did coats of arms could reveal the rang of their bearer?” and “To what extent did medieval armorials...


Georg Scheibelreiter, Wappen im Mittelalter, Darmstadt 2014

There is no shortage on introductions to heraldry. Recent publications by for example Václav Vok Filip and Georg Scheibelreiter himself were added to the bookshelf already filled with classics such as Galbreath/Jéquier’s Lehrbuch der Heraldik and Neubecker’s Wappen.[1] This book, however, promises to be something different. It is not meant to be an introduction to nor a textbook on heraldry, but a study on the human need to identify...