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Tagged: Transylvania


[Project:] Bild und Wappen – Repräsentative und repräsentierende Kunststiftungen des Patriziats in Nürnberg und Hermannstadt/Sibiu/Nagyszeben, Siebenbürgen (Marco Bogade)

Im Europa des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit spielte die Legitimation von Herrschaft und der sozialen Stellung durch Herkunft eine zentrale Rolle, sowohl für die Selbstverortung als auch für die Fremdwahrnehmung. Dieser Anspruch beschränkte sich nicht nur auf (dynastische) Herrscher und den Adel, sondern war in besonderem Maße auch bei den städtischen Eliten, vor allem im Patriziat, anzutreffen. Ein daraus resultierendes Repräsentationsbedürfnis und die damit aufs engste verbundene Vergegenwärtigung...


To the Glory of God and Personal Pride. Monuments with Heraldic Programmes as Expression of Art Patronage in Late Medieval Transylvania

Transylvania is one of the most eastern historical regions of Europe where from the Middle Ages heraldry was present in its whole complexity. Its connection to the Western Civilisation is furthermore demonstrated by the presence of its heraldic heritage in the great corpus on heraldry initiated by Johann Siebmacher (Das grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch. Der Adel von Siebenbürgen. Nürnberg, 1898). A great number of arms have been discovered since...


Lupescu, Radu (Cluj): Heraldic commissions in architectural context: The architectural workshop of Cluj in the fifteenth century

The present paper will focus on a particular workshop which seems that was involved in the production of armorial bearings displayed in different architectural context. In the mid-fifteenth century several arms displayed on public and private buildings has appeared in Transylvania and some of them shows identical stylistic and structural features. They could be related to a workshop that was active in Cluj (Kolozsvár, Klausenburg) and was in charge...


International Workshop: Heraldry and Art Patronage (Cluj, Romania, 8-9 November 2013)

This workshop had already taken place, but this initiative (and the project behind it) is very interesting so that it seems to be of great interest to announce it on the blog nevertheless. Here the text from the invitation and the list of participants and their respective contributions: The Faculty of Sciences and Arts of Sapientia University Cluj-Napoca cordially invites you to the international workshop HERALDRY AND ART PATRONAGE...